1. sIEnlIcng:使君 slIcgkIwcn | 信陵君 sIEnlIcng– | kIwcn 商君 SIangkIwcn
1. 在六国合纵谛盟时,齐国有孟尝君,赵国有平原君,楚国有春申君,魏国有信陵君,谋士有宁越、徐尚、苏秦、林赫;将军有吴起、孙膑、田忌、廉颇等。
Sometime later in the 1960s, interhemisperic by pursuing this League has a Lord mengchang of the State of qi, the State of Zhao Jun, Chu have plain has a State of apocheima 申君, 信陵 cheom, his advisers Union Vietnam, Xu Don? ˉt, suqin, lynher; the General had with teachings, Sun, Tian JI horse, Lien P'o, etc.
2. 信陵君听了很是惭愧,立刻驾着车到郊外去亲迎虞卿和魏齐。不想魏齐听到信陵君开头不愿见他的消息,又急又气,还怕因为自己而拖累虞卿,就拔剑自杀了。
Xin ling jun ashamed of listening to it is immediately to the suburbs to the pro-jia zhuo che Yingyu qing andwei qi. wei qi do not want to hear at the beginning ofxin ling jun want to see him, you ji you gas, while the drag is still worried because theyyu qing on theba jian suicide.
3. 信陵君
3. 秦王政五年(前242年),秦军攻魏,夺其酸枣等二十城,设东郡,又于秦王政六年(前241年)粉碎了楚、赵、魏、韩等国第四次,也是最后一次合纵对秦的军事进攻,还用反间计除掉了反秦最激烈的魏信陵君。
Qin G five years (before 242), Gong Wei Qin, such as the capture of its two axillaris City, set up Dong Jun, Wang Yu Qin 2006 (241 years ago) smashed Chu, Zhao Wei and Korea resolution Fourth and final vertical joint military offensive against Qin, also include anti-between to get rid of the most intense Fan Qin Wei Xin Lingjun.
4. 信陵君的反义词
4. 侯嬴给信陵君出主意说:“只要派人偷取大王的兵符,便可假传命令,要晋鄙出兵了。”
Then Hou Ying advised Lord Xinling: " If only you had the Commander's Seal, which is bestowed only by the king himself, you could take Jin Bi's place and lead his troops to the help of Zhao. "
5. 信陵君的反义词
5. 侯嬴给信陵君出主意说:“只要派人偷取大王的兵符,便可假传命令,要晋鄙出兵了。”
Then Hou Ying advised Lord Xinling: " If only you had the Commander's Seal, which is bestowed only by the king himself, you could take Jin Bi's place and lead his troops to the help of Zhao. "
6. 侯赢被信陵君的诚意感动了,从此尽心帮助他。
Hou Ying was touched by his sincerity and from then on did his utmost to help him.
7. 比如,信陵君,龙阳君等等战国时期的名人。
For example, Xinling Jun, Long Yangjun so the Warring States period of celebrity.
8. 信陵君的近义词
8. 比如,信陵君,龙阳君等等战国时期的名人。
For example, Xinling Jun, Long Yangjun so famous Warring States period.
9. 战国时魏国的信陵君地位显赫,但是他一点儿也不骄横。
In the Warring States Period, Prince Xinlingjun held a very high position. But he was not at all arrogant.
10. 信陵君
10. 这时候,魏国著名的义士侯赢在旁,听了信陵君的问话,不由得叹了口气说:唉,真是人固然不容易被了解,了解人也真不容易!
At this time, Hou Wei seekers famous win in the next, listening to the questioningxin ling jun, could not help but sigh, said: Oh, really who is not easy to understand that people really do not understand easily!
11. 信陵君的解释
11. 等信陵君赶到,魏齐早断气了,信陵君见状痛悔不及。
Such asxin ling jun arrive as early aswei qi die, and seeing thisxin ling jun less than remorse.
12. 信陵君在旁边耐心地等着。
Xinlingjun waited for him patiently.
13. danci.911cha.com
13. 我们都知道战国时代有四大君子,齐国是孟尝君,魏国信陵君,赵国平原君,楚国的春申君四大公子就是像袁绍一样,在家里养了很多门客。
We all know that the Warring States Period, there are four gentlemen, is Mengchang Jun Qi, Wei Xin Lingjun, Zhao Ping Yuanjun, Chu`s son is like the four Chunshen Jun Yuan Shao, a lot of support at home Menke.