



词典folk song民歌。

俗曲 双语例句

1. 俗曲

1. 敦煌经卷与禅师语录中的禅宗俗曲在体制上有只曲与联章体两类,它们的运用主要是上堂开法,表现出了一种新的典型形式:上堂-、、偈赞、锋、喝)下堂,充盈着音乐文艺的运用。
    Buddhism's preaching evolved one kind of new canonical form in Chan faction which was full of the music literary art's utilization.

2. 俗曲的解释

2. 还有女儿腔、大弦子戏、啰啰腔、丝弦、越调等,以演唱俗曲为主,构成弦索声腔系统。
    There are daughter cavity (also known as string cord cavity), Tai Xian Zi opera, La La cavity, silk string, the more stressed, so as to sing vulgar songs mainly constitute the string Tune cable system.

3. 其曲牌唱腔多是元、明、清时期流行在中原一带的小令俗曲和各地的一些杂曲、小调。
    Most of its Qupai aria were folk music which were popular in the north China in the period of Yuan Ming and Qing dynasty.

4. 俗曲在线翻译

4. 这传說开始于唐朝,后逐渐形成戏剧、白话小說和各式的通俗文学作品如宝卷、俗曲等。
    This tradition began in the Tang dynasty and evolved to include dramatic pieces, vernacular novels, and various forms of popular literature such as precious scrolls and ballads.

5. 从敦煌佛教歌辞对民间流行的俗曲乐调的大量应用来看,唐代佛教教化的对象重在民间。
    The application of folk popular melodies in Buddhist odes shows that most Buddhists existed in the civilian of Tang dynasty.

6. 其中扬州戏曲还可以分为扬州戏剧和扬州俗曲
    Yangzhou Opera is further divided into Yangzhou performing opera and Yangzhou folk songs.

7. 俗曲

7. 但刘勰推崇先秦雅乐,贬责汉魏以下俗曲,主要受儒家诗乐理论影响;
    As Liu Xie has been mainly influenced by Confucian theory of poetry.

8. 流存于日本的我国古代俗曲乐谱
    The Chinese Ancient Civil-Music Subsistence in Japan

9. 这些俗曲,不仅是市井文化的一道亮丽风景,也和文人词曲的创作不无关系。
    The songs were dedicated to the creation of the composer's work, consisting of main part of the Song-Yuan culture of that day.

10. 各方小曲借助运河的媒介作用,纷纷传播于此,使临清成为明清时期俗曲小唱的主要流传区域之一。
    Therefore, ditties from different places spreaded here with the canal as media, so that Liqing became one of the most important circulation areas of local ditties.

11. 《九歌》是屈原根据楚国南方用于祭祀的歌舞俗曲改编而成的一组祭歌。
      Nine Songs is a set of sacrificial songs and dance that Qu Yuan adapted according to the south sacrificial music of the Chu State.
