

供称[ɡònɡ chēnɡ]



供称 双语例句

1. 供称的解释

1. 这名嫌犯的供称被发现是造假的。
    The suspect's claim was found to be bogus.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 他们供称,当晚他们并没有抢劫的思想准备,是临时起意。
    They confessed that they did not rob that night mentally prepared is spur of the moment.

3. 供称

3. 他们供称,有20多只老虎死于他们手上。
    By their own admission, the poachers have killed more than 20 tigers.

4. 并声称这名被捕人员已供称自己是德干圣战军的成员。
    Indian officials said 9 governors were killed and 1 was captured.

5. 另一个是没有号码供称公司遇到事情需要澄清。
    Another is no contact numbers supplied for the companies to call when they encounter things that needed clarifications.

6. 他们声称,地方长官卢华莱士(lewwallace)曾向邦尼表示,如果他供称自己卷入另一场凶杀,就免于起诉他杀害警官的罪行。
    They allege that Lew Wallace, the territorial governor, offered Bonney immunity from prosecution for the murder of one lawman if he would testify about his involvement in the murder of another.

7. 胡供称,与多任村干部有积怨,认为村干部一直在压迫他。
    Hu said, with a number of village cadres have any grudges, that village cadre has been oppressed him.
