

供求率[ɡōnɡ qiú lǜ]



供求率 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 今年,农产品的供求率较去年有所上升。
    This year, the demand for agricultural products is a little higher than that of last year.

2. 目前我国图书出版产业的供求关系出现一些矛盾和问题,如供求脱节、库存率过高、退货快速增长等。
    China's production structure is unbalancedfrom the point of view in the product structure and the region structure.

3. 最常见的原因,这类贷款的项目需要增加库存的时候供求率大大提高。
    The most common reason for this type of loan is to boost inventory for items needed at a time when supply and demand is greatly increased.

4. 当在一个关于平衡的关系恢复率较低供求,那么市场将逐渐导致微观下。
    When the relationship between supply and demand at a lower rate on the restoration of balance, then the market will gradually lead to micro-under.

5. 筹资水平,第四季度或采取积极措施,增强中央银行注入或下调存款准备金率,从中央银行,如释放等因素,财政存款,进入低风险区域市场估价,开始具有吸引力;股票供应并在中央股东持有率供求关系预计,它可能是一个更好的,在拯救投资者信心的政策,以刺激某些反过来也提高了城市。
    Funding level, the fourth quarter or to take proactive measures to increase the central bank injected or downward reserve ratio, the Financial deposits from the central bank account factors such as the release; market valuation into the low-risk regions, began attractive; stock supply and demand relations in the central rate by shareholders holders are expected, it may be a certain turn for the better; investor confidence in the rescue policy to stimulate the city also has improved.

6. 供求率

6. 对于母管制运行的锅炉,由于机炉间能量供求关系不存在简单的直接对应关系,锅炉的负荷调节通常采用间接能量平衡控制方式,即根据反映机炉间能量平衡关系的主蒸汽压力信号,作为反映锅炉侧出力的间接能量信号,通过调节运算计算并控制锅炉侧所需的燃烧率值,从而满足汽机侧对锅炉出力的要求。
    As to piping-main scheme boiler, there is no simple direct corresponding relation by virtue of supply and demand of energy among the boiler and turbine, the load of the boiler regulates usually adopts the control method of indirect energy balance, according to the main steam pressure signal of the energy balance relation among the reflecting boiler and turbine, as reflect boiler indirect energy signal, through regulate operation calculate and control boiler burning rate coal amount and combustion-supporting air amount, etc.

7. 粮食生产低效益、购销低效率、消费低效用、供求低效能等问题一直困扰着我国粮食经济。
    Low benefit in grain production, low efficiency in grain buying and selling, low utility in consumption and low effect in supply and demand and other problems have been bothering our grain economy.
