

For sharp;
供尖 双语例句

1. 供尖

1. 此种奖励对超市提升利润额大有帮助,例如:有些商品可能供应商因种种原因不愿以较低的价格供应,采购人员为增加利润,应积极与供尖商采购要求更高的进货奖励,但切忌为了争取奖励,而增加不切实际的采购数量,结果库存压力大增,甚至季节过后必须打折求售,这种情况采购人员不如不要进货奖励。
    Such incentives to the supermarket to enhance the amount of profits go a long way, for example: some potential suppliers of goods for various reasons do not want to lower the price of supply, procurement officers to increase profits, and should be procured for the sharp demanding stock awards Long as we do not seek to reward, and the unrealistic increase in the number of procurement, resulting in enormous pressure on the stock, even after the season to be a discount sale, which procurement officers would be better not to purchase incentives.
