

佛珠[fó zhū]



佛珠 双语例句

1. 要不然佛珠是不会被丢在这里的。
    Otherwise the Fo bead will not be cast away here.

2. 佛珠的反义词

2. 总不能老站在佛珠的保护圈里,来个相应不理吧!
    He couldn`t just stand in the protective ring of the prayer beads and ignore them!

3. 若茶果大小如同佛珠一般,可以判断为夏茶。
    If the size of fruit tea as the general佛珠can be judged for the summer tea.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 主营产品或服务:各式大/小玻璃珠饰品工艺品,染珍珠,拉丝珠,皱纹珠,烤漆珠,角度珠,各种链珠,佛珠念珠,沙发椅垫,汽车椅垫,玻璃微珠,水晶灯大珠,大/小玻璃珠胚
    Our company mainly produces each kind of size beading, imitates the pearl and roasts to paint the beading and imitate the tiny bead, many angles bead of cat eye pupil, glass etc.

5. 佛珠的解释

5. 百年修得同渡船,阿梅不仅由弥留开始,不停得到喇嘛诵经,据知阿梅还得到法师亲自为她挑选佛经及佛珠陪葬,而去年阿梅四十岁生日,刘德华几经辛苦才为阿梅找来碧咸亲笔签名球衣作生日礼物,阿梅的经理人 Marianne 本来想将阿梅这件遗物转赠给华仔留念,但其后在一众歌迷要求及得到华仔的同意下,华仔及 Marianne 决定把阿梅这件最心爱的遗物留给阿梅陪葬,华仔并会亲手把这件礼物放在阿梅的身旁,永世长伴。
    The Beckham autographed football jersey given to her at her birthday will be buried with her too.

6. 佛珠的反义词

6. 她边拨动着左手随身带了十年的红色小佛珠手链,边坦然地笑着说。
    She brought with the left hand side of Slide forward to a decade of red Buddha bead bracelet, while frankly with a smile.

7. 佛珠

7. 如果真在梦中,这佛珠本来就是梦的一部分啊!
    If he was really dreaming, these prayer beads would have been be part of the dream!

8. 佛像宽大的衣饰,头上的发髻和发髻上的宝珠,颈项上的佛珠,脸上的眼睛、鼻子、嘴等和莲花宝座上的莲花瓣,以及婴儿垂下的小腿和脚丫均清晰可见,令人拍案叫绝。
    Her loose and comfortable clothes, her eyes, nose, mouth, hair on her head and the jewelry on it, beads around her neck, the petals of lotus flower, the small legs, toes of the feet and so on are clearly discernible. People praised the image of the Buddha highly.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 今日智珠在握,十二道龙符想来已出世,若当局觉悟得时,佛珠将逐粒透澈圆融,逮十二粒光明普现,即当局得成正果之日。
    If the Authority is able to realize this in time, one by one, the prayer beads will slowly become clear and luminous.

10. 佛珠

10. 大款的黄杨木雕刻,达摩坐于岩石上,手持佛珠,冥思修行。
    A large exceptionally well carved Huang-Yang (" boxwood ") sculpture of Damo seated in meditation on a rockwork base.

11. 佛珠的解释

11. 但是由依家起我带佛珠
      I'll be there with yousuck.

12. 佛珠是什么意思

12. 佛珠是佛教的象徵之一。
      The mala is one of Buddhist symbols.

13. 红皮之内,果肉晶莹,含汁欲滴,内核椭圆,呈棕色,光滑似佛珠
      Within the red peel, the glittering pulp is full of juice, and the oval brown pit is as smooth as the Buddha bead.

14. 临走时,还摘下手上的一串佛珠不由分说地挂在了我的手腕上,然后用半吊子英语对我说:“这个可以带给你运气。”
      When it was time to say goodbye, he took off his Buddhistic bracelet and gave it to me, saying in influent English, " It can bring you Luck. "

15. 大款的黄杨木雕刻,达摩坐于岩石上,手持佛珠,冥思修行。
      A large exceptionally well carved Huang-Yang (" boxwood ") sculpture of Damo seated in meditation on a rockwork base.

16. 佛珠什么意思

16. 临走时,还摘下手上的一串佛珠不由分说地挂在了我的手腕上,然后用半吊子英语对我说:“这个可以带给你运气。”
      When it was time to say goodbye, he took off his Buddhistic bracelet and gave it to me, saying in influent English," It can bring you Luck. "

17. 本厂拥有各种加工机械数台,80多名生产技工,产品有各种如天然水晶神秘晶洞奇石矿物雕刻件类手链系列项链系列半成品类情侣系列赏石类 9 25系列水晶球柱首饰盒类系列佛珠系列水晶晶柱、水晶球、水晶书镇、水晶像棋、水晶眼镜、水晶招财树、水晶装潢石等。
      Our company has several different machines, more than 80 production workers, a variety of products such as natural crystal mysterious crystal-like pieces of sculpture Kistler mineral bracelet Necklace series of semi-finished products like lovers Shangdan 925 Class-Series crystal ball ornaments Box type series Fozhu Crystals Jingzhu, the crystal ball, crystal of the town, crystal like chess, crystal glasses, Crystal Lucky trees, crystal stone, and other decorations.
