

余音缭绕[yú yīn liáo rào]


余音缭绕 双语例句

1. 穿上毕业服,才发现高一军训时嘹亮的口号似乎还回荡在耳边;胡同游带来的那份愉悦与收获还徜徉在心底;申奥助威活动的那份热情与执著仍旧激荡着我们的全身;高二创作诗歌集带来的那份喜悦感与成就感依然充斥着我们的脑海;第一次演话剧的酸甜苦辣依旧那么清晰的回映在脑畔;加拿大国庆日的欣喜之情仍旧跟随着我们;高三特奥会志愿者活动的特殊经历始终铭刻在心头;四周年、五周年与六周年的校庆文艺演出的歌声仿佛还在余音缭绕……高中短短的三年,留给我们太多美好的记忆,太多难忘的经历。
    Wearing the graduation gown, in an instant, do we realize that the stentorian slogans at military training on grade 10 still reverberate around; the pleasure and harvest brought by ally tour are being treasured deeply in our hearts; the enthusiasm and perseverance we had represented during the series activities of supporting Beijing Olympic Bidding are thrilling us as ever; the delight and success of creating poem anthology are haunting in our minds as before; the sweet and bitter of acting a role in the play for the first time still hovering in our brains; the attachments derived from the Canada National Day are accompanying us till present; the fresh experience stemmed from participating in the volunteers` activities of the Special Olympics had inscribed in our memory; the melodies of the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th anniversary performances are still echoing in our ears…the transitory 3 years of high school had left us so much remarkable reminiscences, so many impressive experiences that worth cherishing.

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2. 这里曾是盛唐时的郊游胜地,多少达官贵胄,文人雅士,无不以到此遣兴述怀为乐为荣,多少千古绝唱,至今依然余音缭绕,让人难以忘怀。
    Le You Yuan was a journey spot in Tang Dynasty, the number of Official and literati, were proud of being here. They left a lot of unforgettable works and the stories, which we can recite nowadays.

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3. 396沿着上天所生的大地退去的脚步声发出来的双重回荡,以及犹大人所奏的竖琴在余音缭绕的小径上引起的双重反响。
    The double reverberation of retreating feet on the heavenborn earth, the double vibration of a jew's harp in the resonant lane.

4. 余音缭绕是什么意思

4. 余音缭绕
    The music lingered in the air.
