

优哉游哉[yōu zāi yóu zāi]




词典living a life of ease and leisure优哉游哉。

词典leisurely and carefree悠闲自在;啸傲;优哉游哉;悠闲。

词典leisurely and unhurried优哉游哉。

词典ramble about for pleasure优哉游哉。

优哉游哉 汉英大词典

优哉游哉[yōu zāi yóu zāi]

[书] living a life of ease and leisure; leisurely and carefree; leisurely and unhurried; ramble about for pleasure

优哉游哉 双语例句

1. 优哉游哉

1. 游客可以在树林峡谷庄园的247公顷的土地上,骑上自行车围绕17公里长的自行车径优哉游哉闲诳。
    Visitors can pedal along the 17-kilometer bike path that meanders around Tree Valley's 2477 hectares of land.

2. 优哉游哉的翻译

2. 为了协助Wendy逃离现实世界的烦恼,小飞侠赋予他们飞天的能力,并请他们来到梦幻岛,与岛上一班迷童过著优哉游哉、终日嬉戏玩乐的生活。
    Following him out the window like a small flock of birds, the children swoop over London's rooftops to the magical Neverland, where they begin an exhilarating new life.

3. 优哉游哉

3. 云蒂、约翰和米高本来可以在梦幻岛开心地嬉戏玩乐,和小飞侠与小仙女两位神秘朋友快乐的生活,优哉游哉,岂料,无恶不作的海盗铁钩船长带着他的一帮海盗前来大肆破坏。
    The cloud peduncle, John and the rice high may play happy originally in the illusion island the amusement, with slightly flies the variant and the small female celestial two mystical friend's joyful life, leisurely, who would imagine, stops at no evil pirate iron hook captain leads his group of pirate to come to destroy wantonly.

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4. 毫无疑问,在台湾和中国大陆的猫猫狗狗的生活极之优哉游哉
    No doubt about it: Life is good for pets in Taiwan and mainland China.

5. 优哉游哉的意思

5. 我们现在是优哉游哉
    We are now taking our ease.

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6. 你父母不会就让你这么优哉游哉地走掉吧
    Your parents wouldn't let you swan off like that, would they?

7. 在监狱里,你可以优哉游哉看电视或打游戏
    IN PRISON the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.

8. 人们在优哉游哉的同时
    They enjoy the happiness of life

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 罗迪是一只举止优雅的老鼠,住在伦敦一栋舒适的公寓里,过着优哉游哉的奢华生活。
    Roddy is a 3refined rat, living a life of comfort and 4luxury in a comfortable flat in London.

10. 布赖恩先生真是个放荡不羁的人,多年来优哉游哉,逍遥自在。
    Bit of a lad is Mr Bryan, running round fancy-free for years.

11. 布赖恩先生真是个放荡不羁的人,多年来优哉游哉,逍遥自在。
      Slag from a metal furnace. Bit of a lad is Mr Bryan, running round fancy-free for years.

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12. 幸福是谎言,所以我还优哉游哉地做孤鬼野魂!
      Eudemonia is falsehood so I'm alone & still around!

13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

13. 弗雷德优哉游哉地躺在安乐椅上。
      Fred lazed in an easy chair

14. 优哉游哉

14. 我也可以不要整天过着优哉游哉的日子,情愿为家里的饮食起居精打细算,掂量着每一分钱的最大使用值;
      I can not always lead back to the days prefer personal diet plan for the home, over the use of every penny of the greatest value;

15. 城巿五光十色、光怪陆离,邦先后当过沙甸鱼厂工人、保安及的士司机,踏实不作梦想的简扑生活,优哉游哉
      Weird, colorful and Chinatown nations successively as ShaDian fish factory workers, security and taxi drivers, sureness not dream of life, good for pets at Jane.

16. 游客可以在树林峡谷庄园的247公顷的土地上,骑上自行车围绕17公里长的自行车径优哉游哉闲诳。
      Visitors can pedal along the17-kilometer bike path that meanders around Tree Valley's2477 hectares of land.

17. 这里的每个人都是一副优哉游哉的态度。
      Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude.

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18. 要是你太优哉游哉了,很容易就会被发现。
      If you are too laid back it will be easily noticed.

19. 优哉游哉的反义词

19. 她总是显得那么优哉游哉
      She always seems so laid-back.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 詹姆斯。怀特则比较优哉游哉
      James White was more laid-back.
