

众生相[zhònɡ shēnɡ xiànɡ]



众生相 双语例句

1. 这个社会处处在颠倒,人心在颠倒,人相、众生相啊到处都是。
    In this society, everything is in chaos, including people`s mind.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 门,薄薄一字,却仿佛涵盖了众生相,像极了一个人的种种表情。
    Door, merely one word, seems to cover all the faces and the emotions behind.

3. 众生相的翻译

3. 众生相系列从独特的角度真实地记录了那段特殊的历史,并启发人们思考。
    From a distinctive angle, the figurative paintings solidly record this special period in history and are thought-provoking.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 塑造了在经济体制和人际关系发生深刻裂变的宏观背景下,具有复杂心态的中国社会众生相,寄寓了新现实主义作家的生活理想和现实批判。
    At the end of 20 century, the tide of renovation run mountains high, and the society confront the rough chioce in the period of social transformation.

5. 我相、人相、众生相、寿者相,在世间之所以会有这些相,完全是因为其间存有差异、有所区别;你跟我,我跟他都不同,所以才会出现分别心,才会有相。
    Xianchi`s interpretation and remark(25.3)咸池评述(25.3) 1 Why are there many marks, such as mark of self, mark of himself, mark of themselves and mark of life? It is because there is difference and discrimination among them.

6. 薪酬过高却郁郁不乐的球星、可疑的交易、贪婪的球员经纪人,都已成为足坛众生相的一部分。
    Sulky and overpaid stars, dubious deals and rapacious players'agents are now part of the scenery.

7. 众生相

7. 至清代《红楼梦》中,镜子成为作品的五个题名之&《风月宝鉴》,整部作品中都隐含着一面大镜子,照出了芸芸众生相,深化了作品的主题。
    To the Qing dynasty in a dream of red mansions, the mirror works become one of the five title - " Chinese ancient " pretty, the whole works, implies a large mirror, according to a person, to deepen the theme of his works.

8. 众生相的翻译

8. 朝圣者众生相&《坎特伯雷故事集》之总引
    Portraits of the Pilgrims & on the General prologue of The Canterbury Tales

9. 至清代《红楼梦》中,镜子成为作品的五个题名之&《风月宝鉴》,整部作品中都隐含着一面大镜子,照出了芸芸众生相,深化了作品的主题。
    To the Qing dynasty in a dream of red mansions, the mirror works become one of the five title - " Chinese ancient " pretty, the whole works, implies a large mirror, according to a person, to deepen the theme of his works.

10. 讲述律师事务所里的众生相以及审判室的诡计和兄弟会男孩的滑稽剧boston legal今年在金球奖最扬眉吐气的,首推以「Boston Legal」拿下影集类最佳男配角的威廉薛特纳,薛特纳过去最让人记得的角色就是《星际旅行:原初系列》(Star Trek:TOS)里的舰长Kirk。
    In addition, one of the founding law partners, Shirley Schmidt (played by five-time Emmy winner Candice Bergen), has been coaxed back to the Boston law firm to help bring order to the chaotic office. She keeps a vigilant eye on all, particularly Denny Crane – with whom she has a checkered history.
