1. 仙观的意思
1. 根据会仙观三清殿的历史沿革和建筑遗存的概况,在进行全面考察和现场测绘的基础上对其建筑残损的情况做出科学的分析和记录,并有效地解决了如何对会仙观三清殿进行修缮的问题
With scientific analysis of the damage of the building, a proper solution of restoration had been carried out.
2. 仙观的翻译
2. 唐天宝年间,曾在附近洲渚创建天宝殿;后改为会仙观,宋大中祥符二年,奉旨扩建,增修屋宇300多间,规模宏大,富丽堂皇。
Tang Tianbao years, in the vicinity of Zhouzhu a day Treasure Palace; cents will be after the concept of large and medium-sized Song Xiangfu 2002, Feng Zhi expansion, amended more than 300 houses, a large, magnificent.