

人老珠黄[rén lǎo zhū huáng]


词典one getting old like the pearl becoming yellow人老珠黄。


词典An old man, like a worn-out yellow pearl, is of little worth.

词典be in the sear and yellow人老珠黄。

词典lose one's looks容颜衰老。

人老珠黄 汉英大词典

人老珠黄[rén lǎo zhū huáng]

one getting old like the pearl becoming yellow; An old man, like a worn-out yellow pearl, is of little worth.; be in the sear and yellow; lose one's looks; no longer held in esteem

人老珠黄 双语例句

1. 红颜易老,美人迟暮,女人的美貌是上帝赐予的花朵,要开在春风里,因而常叹花期苦短、岁月无情,无论怎样呵护,最终挡不住时光的风吹雨打,人老珠黄。而女人味既流淌着先辈的基因,更是后天的,是女人的修养,自己的造化,浑然而天成。
    Sirens vulnerable elderly, aged beauty, a woman's beauty is the flower of God, to open in the spring, often flowering period is short sigh, relentless years, no matter how we care, and ultimately can not stop the time exposed to the elements Both feminine and the ancestors of gene flow, it is the day after tomorrow is a woman's self-cultivation, their good fortune, while the natural look.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 那帮宫老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重陛这可是真事,第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。最起码,他们应该在海丝特白兰的脑门上烙个记号。
    The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch-that is a truth, added a third autumnal matron. At the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynne's forehead.

3. “那帮官老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重这可是真事,”第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。
    " The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch & that is a truth, " added a third autumnal matron.

4. 我就要人老珠黄了,不会遇见什么新鲜事儿了。
    Soon I'll be old and nothing will've happened to me.

5. 人老珠黄的翻译

5. 这些有钱人,一旦他们的妻子人老珠黄了,还会再去找一个更年轻更漂亮的。
    These rich men, as soon as the wife gets old, they find a younger, prettier one.

6. 人老珠黄,没有什么可以医治的。
    Men grow old, pearls grow yellow, there is no cure for it.

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7. 我还没那么人老珠黄哦。
    Because I can always use another little cuddle.

8. 人老珠黄的意思

8. 一张再好看的脸都会人老珠黄,但是一颗美好的心如同日月,光辉不休。
    A fair face will wither, but a good heart is the sun and the moon!

9. 人老珠黄的翻译

9. 悲哀的是,她们不知道女人是越老越不值钱,等到自己拿到硕士、博士毕业证的时候,不料自己已经人老珠黄
    The tragedy is, they don't realise that as women age, they are worth less and less. So by the time they get their MA or PhD, they are already old - like yellowed pearls.

10. 人老珠黄是什么意思

10. “那帮官老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重这可是真事,”第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。
    " The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch & that is a truth," added a third autumnal matron.
