

人心不古[rén xīn bù gǔ]


词典Human hearts are not what they were in the old days.人心不古。

词典Men are not what they were in the times of long ago.人心不古。

词典People are not so honest as their ancestors were.人心不古。

词典Public morality is not what it used to be.人心不古。

人心不古 汉英大词典

人心不古[rén xīn bù gǔ]

Human hearts are not what they were in the old days.; Men are not what they were in the times of long ago.; People are not so honest as their ancestors were.; Public morality is not what it used to be.:

  例:人心不古, 世风日下。

    Men are not what they were in times past and the general moves are getting worse and worse.

人心不古 网络解释

1. You don't know who anybody is anymore:This city is full of perverts.|纽约都是变态佬 | You don't know who anybody is anymore.|人心不古 | Jesus, I look like shit.|我看起来好酷

2. Human hearts are not what they were in the old days:46. 人云亦云echo one's words | 47. 人心不古 Human hearts are not what they were in the old days. | 79. 千变万化The unexpected always happens.
