


词典a crowd of people

人丛 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 这个老人在人丛中逡巡了不大一会儿,就被人引至一个50岁左右的女人面前,短暂的自我介绍后两人便热烈地交谈起来。
    He was led to a woman at about 50 years old after he had hovered in the crow for a short time. The two people began to talk warmly after a brief introduction.

2. 人丛

2. 但是事实是人们聚到了这里:他们喜欢在这里聊天,还喜欢在人丛中走动,和别人摩肩擦臂而过。
    One might take it, after all, as an augur of the better social order, for the things which they satisfied here, though sensory, were not evil.

3. 人丛

3. 但是事实是人们聚到了这里:他们喜欢在这里聊天,还喜欢在人丛中走动,和别人摩肩擦臂而过。
    Nevertheless, the fact that here men gather, here chatter, here love to pass and rub elbows, must be explained upon some grounds.

4. 他在人丛中认出了一个老友。
    He was searching out an old friend in the crown.

5. 人丛的反义词

5. 但是还有许多人从逃跑的人丛中挤过去,热切地要到主面前,因为他是他们的唯一希望。
    Yet they were now more terrified than before, and in greater haste to obey His command.

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6. 忽然在人丛中出现了她朝夕想念的那个人,他投了一瞥和善的眼光在她的脸上。
    Suddenly, the one she thought of day and night appeared in their midst.

7. 人丛的反义词

7. 最使他急得无法可施的是在人丛中走下楼的时候。
    He was in agony when he descended a crowded stair.

8. 一眼就能在人丛中把你找出来。
    You were surely stand out in the battle field.

9. 正常成人丛声门到隆突的距离有多远?
    What is the distance from the vocal cords to the carina in normal adults?

10. 人丛

10. 这人感到很希奇,碰巧发现栅栏上有一个洞,他附身朝里面看,这时忽然有一个人丛里面伸出手指戳中了他的眼睛。
    Quite curious about all this, he finds a hole in the fence, looks in and someone pokes him in the eye.

11. 人丛的意思

11. 说到这里声音便停住了,人丛中马上起了各种议论。
      The voice stopped and, at once, the students began talking among themselves.

12. 人丛的近义词

12. 他深入人丛中,找寻苍蝇、毒蚊等等危害人类的东西。
      He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies and venomous mosquitoes.
