

亲知[qīn zhī]

词典with real personal knowledge亲知。

亲知 汉英大词典

亲知[qīn zhī]


with real personal knowledge

亲知 双语例句

1. 但是亲知亲见不同於觉知,一旦你亲知亲见,从此以后就永远不会再迷失了。
    That person will dwell the rest of their life with total awareness and knowledge that liberates, because the not-knowing is not there anymore.

2. 立足于现代数理逻辑,罗素提出了与前辈哲学家的理论迥然不同的逻辑原子主义本体论、以亲知原则为特征的经验主义认识论和意义理论。
    Based on modern mathematical logic, Russell put forward an ontology of Logical Atomism, an empirical epistemology with the principle of acquaintance and a theory of meaning, quite different from the theories of former philosophers.

3. 不过在专名问题上的变化并不是毫无条理的,它依据的正是亲知的认识论原则和逻辑原子主义的本体论观点。
    The view of the proper names is also the case. However, the change is well-organized. It is based on the principle of acquaintance and the ontology of logical atomism.

4. 专名对应于亲知的简单事物,对事物的分析则是沿着逻辑原子主义的思路进行的。
    A proper name is corresponding to a simple object, and the analysis to things is carried out under the method of logic atomism.

5. 亲知原则始终是罗素意义理论乃至其整个认识论的出发点。
    The principle of acquaintance is always the starting point of Russell's meaning theory of proper name, even of his entire theory of epistemology.

6. 这都是对亲知原则的贯彻。
    This is the further carrying out of the principle of acquaintance.

7. 亲知的解释

7. 在一个单一命题中,主体判断一个命题,就要亲知该命题中的每一个构成。
    In a single proposition, subject to determine a proposition, to every acquaintance of the proposition.

8. 亲知的翻译

8. 在这变化的现象背后,是他的亲知原则在起作用。
    Underlying the appearance of these changes is the principle of acquaintance Russell puts forward.
