亮堂[liàng tang]
(敞亮; 明朗) light; bright:
The room is well lighted.
1. 亮堂什么意思
1. brightness n:to expose to 表露;面临;曝露 | brightness n.亮堂,阴沉;聪敏,迟钝 | automatic a.自动的;有意识的,机械的
1. 亮堂是什么意思
1. 她靠在抽屉柜上,夹七夹八地嘟囔着哀告了许久,于是她心里一下子亮堂起来。
She leant against the chest of drawers, and murmured incoherent supplications for a long while, till she suddenly started up
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2. 像昔日那样亮堂的日晚,就不须要点一盏昼灯,由于晶莹的昼灯也会变失幽微。
There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight. for a bright night light is just like a slight light.
3. 亮堂是什么意思
3. 它们会产生出一种精致、飘飘然、亮堂堂的感觉,这也是我喜欢做女孩子的主要原因之一。
These create a fine, floaty, glowy feeling, one of the main reasons I enjoy being a girl.
4. 快感中心就像光明节一样亮堂
Pleasure centers are lighting up like a hanukah bush.
5. 庞大的建筑物高高地屹立着,俄顷之间,青铜的门扇洞开,里面广大的空间清晰可见,地面是光泽平滑的砌石;穹形的屋顶上挂着一排排奇妙的灯盏,闪耀如星星,点着石脑油和沥青油的篝灯,亮堂堂的如同是从天上放出来的光明。
Th'ascending pile Stood fixt her stately highth, and strait the dores Op'ning thir brazen foulds discover wide Within, her ample spaces, o're the smooth [725] And level pavement: from the arched roof Pendant by suttle Magic many a row Of Starry Lamps and blazing Cressets fed With Naphtha and Asphaltus yeilded light As from a sky.
6. 亮堂的翻译
6. 哦,房间很宽敞、亮堂。
Oh, it's quite roomy and bright.
7. 反射在那里窗上的落日光芒,和照在有钱人家窗上的阳光是一样亮堂,门前的积雪也同样都是在早春溶化。
The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from rich man's abode; the smow melts before its door as early in the spring.
8. 关于疑惑美国这盏灯塔能否仍然亮堂的人们,明天晚下我们未再主证实:美国的实反气力起源并是军事威力或者财穷范围,而是我们幻想的恒暂力气:民从、自在、机遇战不伸的盼望。
And to all those who have wondered if America`s beacon still burns as bright: Tonight, we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope.
9. 有一天,我在J亮堂堂的房间的床上和他聊天。
So it was kind of a big deal. i have only been to base one before.
10. 亮堂
10. 在前途一片阴霾中,这是个亮堂堂、由不得你不信的事实。
That, in all this grim outlook, shines out as the overwhelming fact.
11. 亮堂
11. 顿时,屋子变得亮堂堂的。可以说这是个无可挑剔的好天气!
All of a sudden, the house has become the It can be said that this is a perfect weather!
12. 亮堂的意思
12. 可是把许多小铜板摞在一起,就变成了一块亮堂堂的银币。
And on that very account they thought he must be something.
13. 不像一些夜间里非常黑暗的大楼,她打扫的大楼总是亮堂堂的,并且女人们以三个人为一个小组工作着。
Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three.
14. 月亮已经把两侧的高地照得亮堂堂的。
Already the moon shone quite clear on the high ground on either side.
15. 这只是一条花被子,我想可以让他的卧室亮堂一点。
No, it's a patchwork quilt, I thought it would brighten up his bedroom.
16. 我现在仍然是,但是我比过去亮堂了点儿。
I still am, but I'm better.
17. 亮堂什么意思
17. 这套房子又漂亮又亮堂,你去看看吧。
The house is very nice and bright, you should have a look.
18. 它有两个窗子,很亮堂舒适。
It has two windows. It`s bright and comfortable.
19. 亮堂
19. 她一讲,大家心里都亮堂了。
What she said enlighten ed all of us.
20. 而我更希望不要如此亮堂。
The brightness is something I could do without.