



词典northern food京菜。

京菜 网络解释

1. Kyona:京菜 Kyona | 青梗菜 Qing-geng-cai | 花椰菜 Cauliflower

京菜 双语例句

1. 黄河楼菜品主营燕、鲍、翅、参、粤菜、京菜、湘菜、民族菜以及东乡手抓羊肉。
    Main dishes Yan House, the Yellow River, Powell, fin, the Senate, Guangdong, Beijing cuisine, Xiangcai, and Dongxiang ethnic dishes Shouzhua mutton.

2. 京菜的意思

2. 这是一家北京餐馆,专做京菜
    This is a Beijing restaurant, specializing in Beijing cuisine.

3. 京菜的解释

3. 这是一家北京餐馆,专做京菜
    This is a Beijing restaurant, ecializing in Beijing cuisine.

4. 而京菜的味咸调料多。
    And Beijing food is salty and spicy.

5. 京菜

5. 川菜、京菜和粤菜是最有名的。
    And Sichuan food, Beijing food and Guangdong food are the most famous.

6. 京菜

6. 会有较大比例的天津菜包括大米相比,京菜
    A greater proportion of Tianjin cuisine is consisted of rice in comparison to Beijing cuisine.

7. 京菜的翻译

7. 京菜应当是来北京地首选美食。
    Beijing cuisine should be to Beijing's preferred food.

8. 京菜是什么意思

8. 除了上面提及的主要中国菜以外,还有二十余种著名的菜系包括京菜、湘菜、豫菜、安徽菜、闽南菜、穆斯林菜和素菜。
    In addition to the principal cuisine mentioned above, there are more than twenty well-known styles which include Beijing cuisine, Henan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Hubei cuisine, Anhui cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Muslim cuisine, and vegetarian cuisine.

9. 而京菜的味咸调料多。用途:主要用作辣味食品、味调味品、便面调味料,酱菜,榨菜等。
    Application: Mainly used in pepper taste food, condiment, instant noodle condiment, pickles, preserved szechuan pickle and so on.

10. 沪帮的菜肴油水较重而京菜的味咸调料多。
    Shanghai food is rather oily, and Beijing food is salty and spicy.

11. 京菜

11. 粤菜清淡适口,而京菜则味重香浓。
      Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.

12. danci.911chaxun.com

12. 这是一家北京餐馆,专做京菜。要不要尝点中国酒?
      This is a Beijing restaurant, specializing in Beijing cuisine. Would you like to try some Chinese drinks?

13. 京菜的近义词

13. 京菜尤以北京烤鸭而闻名。
      Beijing cuisine is especially well known for the roast duck.

14. 京菜

14. 有一家餐馆专营京菜
      There's one that specializes in Beijing cuisine.

15. 尽管这些菜统称为北京菜京菜),它们据说主要由山东菜组成(来自山东省)。
      Although these dishes are collectively referred to as Beijing dishes (Jing Cai), they are said to consist mainly of Shandong dishes (from Shandong province).
