

Heng people;
亨人 双语例句

1. 奋进中的乾亨人期待与您的合作,共同开创美好的未来。
    Endeavor in the Qian Heng people look forward to working with your co-operation to create a better future.

2. 亨人是什么意思

2. 韩国及其他发达国家,寻找实力强大的销售合作伙伴,将达亨玻璃推向国际品牌的行列,为了这个目标达亨人一直努力着。
    South Korea and other developed countries, looking for a strong sales partners, will Daheng glass into the ranks of international brands, in order to this goal Daheng people have been working with.

3. 面对未来,侨亨人将加速科技和管理体制的创新,竭诚为各界服务,用心灵和智慧谱写壮丽的篇章!
    In the future, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Mr Frederick will speed up technology and the management system of innovation, dedication to public service, with the soul and wisdom to write a glorious chapter!
