


词典be on friendly terms交欢;交好;媾。



交欢 双语例句

1. 交欢

1. 于是,一些善于模仿声音的鸟类在交欢和高歌时都开始发出一种非常像手机铃声的叫声。
    Then some birds good at imitating sounds began to imitate the rings of mobile phones when they are in the mating season or chirrup loudly.

2. 交欢是什么意思

2. 其时间恰到利益时,她俄然让眉眉回去取东西,接着眉眉就撞见了大旗以及竹西赤身交欢的场面,她紧随其后捉住了他们。
    When Si Yiwen learns of this she sets a vicious trap, pretending to take her granddaughter to town on business so that Daqi and Zhuxi can take advantage of their absence.

3. 交欢

3. 乔治:你知道的,我曾想过……我无法想象我将失去交欢的机会。
    I cannot envision any circumstances in which I'll ever have the opportunity to have sex again.

4. 我想尽快地与你交欢
    I would like to pay you as soon as possible and enjoy!

5. 交欢

5. 在以前男女交欢的画像是不允许公开展示的。
    Pictures of sexual intercourse were not allowed to be shown in public in the past.

6. 我无法随心所欲地与你交欢除非我知道你很安全
    I can't fuck you or eat you how I want, unless I know it's safe.

7. 我们的第一次交欢跟我们的第一次交谈恰恰相反。
    Our first physical encounter was the polar opposite of our first verbal one.

8. 你却在狂欢宴上跟奴隶交欢
    You're sucking slave cock at an orgy.

9. 正和他的伴侣在河边交欢。此时的耶拉玛已经很久没有享受过男欢女爱了,所以眼前的一幕深深地吸引了她。
    It was many years since Yellamma had enjoyed the pleasures of love, and the sight attracted her.

10. 李晓峰在创作过程中,是他和美神交欢的无垠想像,是以唯美的追求,表现他虚幻又现实的人生,一些静与动,美与丑,看似矛盾与对立的表现,其实是李晓峰内心世界里不断挣扎一种真实冩照。
    In the creative process, it is Li Xiaofeng in communion with the boundless imagination of his aesthetic muse, in pursuit of pure beauty, that expresses the illusion and reality of his life, the dynamic and static, the beautiful and the ugly, appearing to be contradictory and opposed, but in actuality a truthful portrayal of the unending struggle in the inner world of the artist.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱;醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。
      When, I being drunk and my friend more than happy

12. 他与她在沙发上交欢
      He took her on the sofa.

13. 交欢的翻译

13. 若他与人交欢那就可能有后代了。
      LF he's reproducing, we've got potential offspring.

14. 他会偷偷录下交欢的过程。
      He has this thing for secretly taping his conquests.

15. 这种雄鸟在与雌鸟交尾以前要跳一种交欢
      The male bird performs a sort of mating dance before copulating with the female

16. 很多基督徒感到吃惊,因为在圣经中,无论是旧约还是新月,没有任何作者写道在与妇女交欢前需要取得他们的同意。
      Many Christians are surprised when told that nowhere in the Bible, either Old Testament or New, does any writer say that a woman's consent is necessary or even desirable before sex.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 然后他听到了旁边男女交欢的声音。
      Then he heard the noise of coitus close to him.

18. 男人的道德规范,如同神学与哲学,渗透到一切领域。没有一件私人和秘密的行为,能逃过它们的视线与管辖。批评它们恣意妄为的人真是少不更事。那些女人,交欢时什么部位都可以让人看,要脱衣就医时则羞得不愿暴露。
      Teach the husbands, that is, such as are too vehement in the exercise of the matrimonial duty--if such there still be--this lesson, that the very pleasures they enjoy in the society of their wives are reproachable if immoderate, and that a licentious and riotous abuse of them is a fault as reprovable here as in illicit connections.

19. 路森修:虽然经过了长久的争论,我们的意见终于一致了;现在掩旗息鼓,正是我们杯酒交欢的时候。
      LUCENTIO. At last, though long, our jarring notes agree; And time it is when raging war is done To smile at scapes and perils overblown.

20. 交欢在线翻译

20. 可是当屏幕上出现男男交欢时,女同志们报出的读数比机器显示的低。
      But when the films featured only men, the lesbians reported less engagement than the plethysmograph recorded.
