

Jing Kan;
井坎 双语例句

1. 井坎的解释

1. 如果不是井坎之蛙、夜郎自大,我们不得不承认,中国即使是最著名的高校,和世界一流大学相比,还有相当大的差距。
    If we were not frogs in the well and if we were to lay down our pride, we cannot but admit that there is a considerable gap between the top Chinese universities and the world's premier educational institutions.

2. 在车辆、行人通行的地方施工,对沟井坎穴不设覆盖物、标志、防围的,或者故意损毁、移动覆盖物、标志、防围的。
    When setting up a construction site in a place where vehicles and pedestrians pass, installing no covers, signs or fences for pits, wells, ridges and holes, or intentionally damaging, destroying, or removing covers, signs and fences.
