

五胡[wǔ hú]


五胡 双语例句

1. 五胡的解释

1. 从公元263年魏灭蜀以后,连年战乱,北方出现了五胡十六国的局面。
    After Wei beat Shu in 263 AD, all places were in chaos caused by war.

2. 五胡十六国时,一度流于诸强,后被南朝承袭。
    Country, once in a诸强, inherited after the Southern Dynasties.

3. 五胡的解释

3. 除此之外,长江以南巴蜀和长江下游的三吴地区也是民族融合的重要场所。一、五胡十六国时期自东汉以来,分布在中原西、北边疆的少数民族人民已陆续向内地迁徙。
    The north minorities accomplished the amalgamation with the Hans depending on building regime, and the south minorities came true the amalgamation with the Hans in process of exploiting the south of the Yangtse River.

4. 北方自西晋亡后,进入了五胡十六国时期。
    The North since the death Jin after the country entered a period of 16 Wuhu.

5. 五胡十六国时期,居住在太行山区的丁零翟氏曾建立魏国,与当时北方的后赵、冉魏、前后燕、北魏等政权均有密切的联系。
    In the five Hus and the sixteen states period, Dingling Di family who lived in Taihang mountain once has established a country named Wei.

6. 五胡什么意思

6. 东晋末年,在中国北方五胡十六国的战乱纷争中,一个草原上的游牧部落联盟鲜卑族拓跋部强势崛起,他们先是以内蒙古的盛乐为都城,建立代国。
    In the late East-jin Dynasty, in the wars and conflicts between sixteen kingdoms of five ethnic groups, called Xianbei Tuoba, rose abruptly with great strength.

7. 五胡

7. 域外官员的流动范围扩展到了其他五胡政权中来,这可以从当时北魏所立皇后的族属来源反映出来。
    The scope of officials expanded to other Wu Hu regimes, there was a reflection from the Empress.
