

五浊[wǔ zhuó]


五浊 双语例句

1. 人类在这个五浊恶世中,常常面临着不同的困难考验。
    People in this world of the Five Turbidities face different kinds of difficulties and ordeals.

2. 如果能练习到身处逆境也可以欢喜面对,心存感恩,那就能转五浊恶世为清凉的净土。
    If we can stay happy and grateful when faced with difficulties, then we will be able to turn this evil time of the Five Turbidities into a pure land.

3. 五浊在线翻译

3. 往后又常听师父他老人家的开示,及《阿弥陀经》上释迦如来所描述的西方极乐世界的微妙庄严景观,越觉得这五浊恶世的娑婆世界不可留恋。
    From then on I listened often to the Ven.

4. 佛陀曾说,五浊恶世有「劫浊、众生浊、见浊、命浊、烦恼浊」。
    Pressure born from population growth is the defilement of being a sentient being.

5. 所以至今万佛圣城依然本著严谨传戒和持戒的家风,来庄严道场,在五浊恶世中涌出一股清流。
    This shows that the City still maintains a strict tradition of transmitting and upholding the precepts to adorn the Bodhimanda, a model of purity in the evil world of five turbidities.

6. 遣除了五浊中的黑暗
    To subdue the darkness of defilements in the world

7. 五浊的翻译

7. 佛教故事中讲到:贤劫中有千佛出世在`五浊恶世`,释迦牟尼佛是第七位,下一位是`弥勒菩萨`将在60---80亿年后降生人间成佛,至此之后,还有992尊佛降生人间。。。。。。
    Buddhist mentioned in the story: Xianjie in Senbutu born in the'Wuzhuoeshi', Sakyamuni Buddha is the seventh largest, is under a'Maitreya Buddha'will be 60 --- 80 million years After the birth of the world Buddha, now, there will still be 992 Buddha born human......

8. 为了要脱离这个五浊恶世的娑婆世界,我修心,念佛!
    Because I want to be liberated from the Saha world of the five turbidities. I am mindful of the Buddha.

9. 然而事实上,上人是不愿再看我们堕落於,五浊恶世中轮回不息,故用他的权巧方便、大慈愍心,来摄受我们、教化我们、帮助我们成长道业,并不是真怕弟子们不成佛,而连累他老人家不能早日成佛。
    Of course the Master is not really worried that we will prevent him from achieving Buddhahood. He simply doesn't fall to see us turning ceaselessly in the wheel of rebirth in this world of five turbidities. With skillful expedients and great compassion, he encourages us and helps us to grow in our spiritual practice.
