

互相标榜[hù xiāng biāo bǎng]


词典eulogize each other互相标榜。


词典mutual admiration and eulogy互相标榜。

互相标榜 汉英大词典

互相标榜[hù xiāng biāo bǎng]

eulogize each other; mutual admiration and eulogy

互相标榜 网络解释

1. to roll each other's log:4. 自力更生to paddle one's own canoe | 5. 互相标榜to roll each other's log | 7. 反覆无常to blow hot and cold

互相标榜 双语例句

1. 互相标榜什么意思

1. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜,还拿他们文学上的细腻作风和马克?吐温与惠特曼的风格相对比。
    Contrast to their delicate literary stomachs to the gusty appetites of Mark Twain or Whitman.

2. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜,还拿他们文学上的细腻作风和马克·吐温与惠特曼豪放的风格相对比。
    Contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of Twain or Whitman.

3. 互相标榜的反义词

3. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜,还拿他们文学上的细腻作风和马克?吐温与惠特曼豪放的风格相对比。
    Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cozy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of Twain or Whitman.

4. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜,还拿他们文学上的细腻作风和马克·吐温与惠特曼的风格相对比。
    Contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of Mark Twain or Whitman.

5. 互相标榜的翻译

5. 坡指责该杂志鼓励新英格兰文人互相标榜。他在批评洛威尔的《批评家寓言》时破口大骂。
    New England writers in maintaining a mutual admiration society. In a review of Lowell's Fable for Critics he burst out.

6. 互相标榜

6. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜
    Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another.

7. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜,还拿他们文学上的细腻作风和马克·吐温与惠特曼豪放的风格相对比。
    Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs the gusty appetites of Twain or Whitman.

8. 互相标榜的反义词

8. 批评家们喜欢攻击他们在饮食上过于挥霍,彼此互相标榜,还拿他们文学上的细腻作风和马克?吐温与惠特曼的风格相对比。
    Critics like to dwell on their expensive dinners and their cosy approval of one another, and to contrast to their delicate literary stomachs to the gusty appetites of Mark Twain or Whitman.
