

亏折[kuī shé]

词典lose money in business亏折;折本;折;亏本。

词典lose one's capital亏折;蚀本;亏本。

亏折 汉英大词典

亏折[kuī shé]

lose money in business; lose one's capital

亏折 双语例句

1. 我求庇于你,以免我向你祈求我所不知道的事情,如果你不饶恕我,不怜悯我,我就变成为亏折的人了。
    If You do not forgive me and have mercy on me, I shall be among the losers.

2. 亏折自身的人,是不信道的。
    It is they who have lost their own souls, that will not believe.

3. 亏折

3. 以时光盟誓,(1)一切人确是在亏折之中,2
    By the time.(1) Verily, man is in loss, 2

4. 亏折的近义词

4. 如果我们的主不慈悯我们,不饶恕我们,我们一定变成亏折的人了。
    If our Lord have not mercy upon us and forgive us, we shall indeed be of those who perish.

5. 亏折的反义词

5. 谁否认正信,谁的善功,确已无效了;他在后世,是亏折的人。
    The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them.

6. 亏折的解释

6. 他们确已亏折了自身,他们所捏造的事已回避他们了。
    In fact they will have lost their souls, and the things they invented will leave them in the lurch.

7. 亏折的解释

7. 指在不亏折本金的前提下,将资产或证券转换为现金的难易度。
    The ease with which an asset or security can be converted into cash without loss of principal.
