


Erenhot City[地名] [中国] 二连浩特市。

二连浩特市 网络解释

1. 二连浩特市

1. Erlianhaote:巴林左旗Balinzuoqi 0476 | 二连浩特市Erlianhaote 0479 | 满洲里市Manzhouli 0470

二连浩特市 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 首先,介绍了二连浩特市的基本情况,二连浩特在跨界民族交往中具有优越的地理位置,跨界流动人口频繁,成为本次调研的理想地点。
    First of all, has introduced the basic situation of Erlianhaote, and then identified the research location from two aspects:the strategic location and frequent cross-border movement of population.

2. 安泰经贸有限责任公司是在中国北部边境地区二连浩特市注册的有进出口贸易权一般纳税人企业。
    Aetna trade limited liability company are in the border area in northern China Erlianhot City has registered the right to import and export trade enterprises the general taxpayer.

3. 二连浩特市的解释

3. 我公司位于内蒙古自治区二连浩特市,邻近蒙古国,我公司进出口业务在二连外贸企业中处于领先地位,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,并坚持走自力更生,自负盈亏的发展道路。
    Our company is located in ErLian of Inner Mongolia, near Mongolia. Our company's imports and exports scale is in the leading location in ErLian. And we have made well economic and social benefits. At the same time, we insist on the development way that self-reliance.

4. 由于受到俄罗斯出口税增长和木材出口政策调整的影响,内蒙古二连浩特市的木材进口结构发生了显著的变化。
    Influenced by the rise of export tax rate and the adjustment of wood export policies in Russia, the wood import structure greatly changed in Erenhot city, Inner Mongolia province.

5. 二连浩特市的意思

5. 位于内蒙古中部,中蒙边境附近,矿区距呼和浩特市300km,东距中蒙边境口岸城市二连浩特市120km。
    It is 300km from Huhehaote and 120km east from Erlianhaote, the port city on the border of China and Mongolia.

6. 二连浩特市的翻译

6. 位于内蒙古中部,中蒙边境附近,矿区距呼和浩特市300km,东距中蒙边境口岸城市二连浩特市120km。有公路相通,交通较为方便。地区为典型的大陆型气候,四季分明,多风少雨,昼夜温差
    Situated in the middle of the inner Mongolia, near to the border of China and Mongolia, the mine is 300km far from Huhhotte city, and 120km far away to the east from Elianhotte city that near the border of China and Mongolia. with the convinent transportation, it is the typical continental atmosphere with distinctive seasons and much wind little rain as well as changable temperature.
