

事在人为[shì zài rén wéi]


词典Human effort is the decisive factor.事在人为。


词典Human effort can achieve anything.事在人为。

词典It all depends on human effort.事在人为。

词典Where there's a will, there is a way.

事在人为 汉英大词典

事在人为[shì zài rén wéi]


Human effort is the decisive factor.; Human effort can achieve anything.; It all depends on human effort.; Where there's a will, there is a way.:

  例:事在人为, 努力干下去, 总会赢得胜利的。

    Nothing's impossible and it all depends on man; you would win through if you persist.

事在人为 网络解释

1. 事在人为

1. Where there is a will ,there is a way:Poor by condition,rich by ambition. 人穷志不短. | Where there is a will ,there is a way. 事在人为. | It takes two to make a quarrel. 一个巴掌拍不响.

2. It all depends on human effort:实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for judging truth. | 事在人为 It all depends on human effort. | 食色性也 The desire for food and sex is part of human nature.

3. 事在人为

3. I could if I would:How nice to meet you! 久仰!久仰! | I could if I would. 事在人为. | I could if you would. 问题在你.

事在人为 双语例句

1. 事在人为的翻译

1. 事在人为,在众多因素中,人是第一位的。
    There is nothing in the large number of factors, one is the first one.

2. 事在人为是什么意思

2. 所以朋友们,做你想做的吧,事在人为!!
    So every friend, Just do you what you want to do, it all depends on human effort.

3. 我的人生信条就是:事在人为。我认为不论做什么事,只要你想做,并认真去做,就一定能做到。
    In accordance with what i have introduced above, it does not mean that i am perfect.

4. 事在人为

4. 本着事在人为的方针和要做事先最人的管理理念。
    Shizairenwei of the guidelines and to Most people do in advance of the management concept.

5. 不管别人怎么说,也不管自身面对的困难有多大,事在人为
    Despite what others say, no matter how difficult the face itself, it all depends on human effort!

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 像你说的,事在人为,谁说过不准带老婆闯荡江湖啊,对不对!
    Like you said, there's no rule about that.

7. 事在人为

7. 竞争对手正在事在人为我们的市场占有率。
    The competition is eating into our msrket share.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 中英双语的目的有三:一、学以致用,自得其乐;二、激励友人,事在人为;三、以文会友,国际视野。
    The purpose of billingual writing is to practise my English to encourage my friends to use English and to make more friends in a more international perspective. It's a great idea isn't it?

9. 事在人为的反义词

9. 事在人为
    Human effort is the decisive factor.

10. 事在人为

10. 事在人为,努力干下去,总会赢得胜利的。
    Nothing's impossible and it all depends on man; you would win through if you persist.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 正在热卖的电影《画皮》就很幸运、很恰好、很事在人为的撞见了这样的彩头。
      Hot is the film " The Painted " very lucky, very precisely, it depends on human effort of the meet by accident such luck.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 正所谓事在人为,最高领导掌握第一手的中国(或其他主要市场的)生活和工作经验绝对是个巨大优势。
      People make all the difference, and top executives with first-hand living and working experience in China (or any other major market) are an enormous advantage.

13. 事在人为,态度决定一切!
      Depends on human effort, attitude is everything!

14. 希望事业爱情兼得,事在人为
      Hopes the enterprise love concurrently, everything depends on human effort.

15. 事在人为

15. 本片源自真实故事的启发,(当幸福来敲门)是一部父亲教育儿子「事在人为」的电影。
      Period. Inspired by a true story, The Pursuit of Happyness is about a father who teaches his son that nothing is impossible.

16. 正在热卖的电影《画皮》就很幸运、很恰好、很事在人为的撞见了这样的彩头。
      Hot is the film " The Painted " very lucky, very precisely, it depends on human effort of the meet by accident such luck.
