

买椟还珠[mǎi dú huán zhū]


词典keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls to the seller -- show lack of judgment

词典choose the wrong thing买椟还珠。

词典buy the casket without the jewels买椟还珠。

买椟还珠 汉英大词典

买椟还珠[mǎi dú huán zhū]

(比喻没有眼光, 取舍不当) keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls to the seller -- show lack of judgment; choose the wrong thing; buy the casket without the jewels

买椟还珠 网络解释

1. Keepping the Box and Returning the Pearl:5 城市迷宫 Metropolis Labyrinth | 6 买椟还珠 Keepping the Box and Returning the Pearl | 7 动作练习作业 Student Work of Action Practice

2. 买椟还珠

2. Keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls:老马识途 An old horse knows the way | 买椟还珠 Keep the glittering casket and give back the pearls | 盲人摸象 A group of blind men try to size up an elephant

3. 买椟还珠

3. Buying the Case but Retuming the Pearl:滥竽充数 Be There Just t0 Make Up the Number | 买椟还珠 Buying the Case but Retuming the Pearl | 郢书燕说 Yan's Interpretation of a Letter from Yingdu

4. danci.911cha.com

4. mai du huan zhu:循规蹈矩 xun gui dao ju | 买椟还珠 mai du huan zhu | 摩肩接踵 mo jian jie zhong

买椟还珠 双语例句

1. 什么东西也不可能等值的来交换我这两个花瓣,我把它捧在手中,我不会傻到干出买椟还珠的蠢事。
    What can not be equivalent in exchange for my two flower petals, I put it in our hands, I will not do something foolish dry out Maiduhuanzhu.

2. 不做买椟还珠之事的意思
    You buy what is inside them.

3. 买椟还珠的意思

3. 赠送品好象比买了的还好啊,我买椟还珠
    Sorry, I want to walk oneself style the road.

4. 买椟还珠的故事在人们的消费行为中时时刻刻上演,所以,请不要忽视包装的效果。
    Maiduhaizhu the story in people`s consumption behavior in the time staged, so please do not overlook the effect of packaging.

5. 不管愿不愿吃,收下来先,有点买椟还珠的意思了。
    No matter I enjoy it or not, I buy it only in the aim at collecting its packaging paper.
