1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
1. 但它也能表现出感情的另一面,其抑扬韵律,有时也会使人引起对遥远乡关的怀念。
But it can also express another aspect, with melodious rhythm, sometimes it brings yearning to remote nativetown.
2. 乡关的意思
2. 身处异地之后,每个人安身立命的人生观不同,有的望断乡关,命望有朝一日能够叶落归根,魂归祖茔;有的就地生根,开山垦拓,盼望未来,将他乡视同故乡。
Living his life as an outsider in a foreign land, he has a philosophy of life with which to settle down and get on with his work in the new land. Some may always try to see their home form a distant foreign country, wishing that their souls would return to the ancestral graves like falling leaves that
3. 去国怀乡,遥望乡关,乡愁成为生命的一种慰藉,尤其是在异国霸留既久,文化乡愁更是日荣衣怀。
In particular, nostalgia for one`s culture will gnaw at one`s heart and haunt one`s nights.
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4. 在无限的存在中生发出心灵的远游、乡关的梦寐。
In the limitless existence is produced distant journeys of the mind and dreams of a mountain village.
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5. 这也是笔者在第七章讨论的主题,透过时代的差异、从返乡前到开放探亲,以及以真正「老兵」身份书写「老兵题材」的老兵作家和非老兵身份作家并列,针对「思乡怀旧」的共同主题,同样作出既是共时的,也是互有差异的比较,以期对老兵的「乡关何处」与「族群和解」找出一条圆融的前进之路。
This chapter thereby compare both or multiple versions of writing in order to find an ideal answer to the out-of-place cultural conditions and ethnic reconciliation.
6. 乡关的解释
6. 他由南入北之后抒写的大量乡关之思、亡国之痛的作品,既是其情感、生活巨变的强烈表现,也是其自卑心态的充分反映。
It is necessary to take further study of him because Yu Xin had many unique characteristics such as his hard experiences, his sincere thoughts, his rich emotions and the ambiguities of his works.
7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
7. 他由南入北之后抒写的大量乡关之思、亡国之痛的作品,既是其情感、生活巨变的强烈表现,也是其自卑心态的充分反映。
A large number of his homesick and expatriated works, which were created after he entered the north from the south, not only is the clear manifestation of his emotions on the great changes of life, but also is the reflection of his inferiority complex.
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8. 日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁!(唐人崔颢《黄鹤楼》诗句)日暮烟波,是最能触发旅人愁思的。
Never theless, the poet had to endure occasionnally the suffering of loneliness and home-sickness on the trip, strange land, the lonely man could not sleep.
9. 日暮乡关何处是﹐烟波江上使人愁。
Trees on river at Hanyang are clearly in sight
10. 乡关在线翻译
10. 日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。
At dust I asked myself which way was home.
11. 在情感内容方面,本文主要探讨了行旅诗中的乡关之思、仕途羁宦之情和人生如旅之叹这三种主要的情感。
At emotion contents aspect, this text mainly inquire into three emotions, such as: homesick, the feeling of be an official and " life such as trip ".
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12. 日暮乡关何处是&论伊迪丝·华顿在《欢乐之家》中对精神家园的求索
Where is the Hometown at Dusk & On Edith Wharton's Pursuit of Spiritual Home in the House of Mirth
13. 乡关
13. 在情感内容方面,本文主要探讨了行旅诗中的乡关之思、仕途羁宦之情和人生如旅之叹这三种主要的情感。
At emotion contents aspect, this text mainly inquire into three emotions, such as: homesick, the feeling of be an official and " life such as trip ".