1. hayshaker:hayseed 干草种子 | hayshaker 乡下佬 | haystack 干草堆
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. yokelry:yokelish 乡下人的 | yokelry 乡下佬 | yokemate 同事
3. 乡下佬
3. jake:Jakarta 雅加达 | jake 乡下佬 | jakes 厕所
4. jibaro:jib-headed 三角的 | jibaro 乡下佬 | jibb 船首三角帆
1. 乡下佬的近义词
1. 您救了我的命,乡下佬。"
I am indebted to you for my life, peasant."
2. 一个乡下佬第一次去大城市。
A bumpkin went to a big city for the first time.
3. danci.911cha.com
3. 乡下佬:没什么--我就出生在这个地方。
Visitor: What was the matter with you?
4. 乡下佬的翻译
4. 那家伙称我为可恶的乡下佬。
That guy called me a blankety-blank country boy.
5. 乡下佬
5. 大学一年级时和我住一个房间的那个同学真是个乡下佬。
My roommate in my freshman year was a real hick.
6. 上帝啊,我原先还当是在蒙一个乡下佬哩。
Jesus, I thought I was conning a country boy
7. 跳舞的穿着浑身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻筋斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引起那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。
Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinseled dancers and old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
8. 这个老实的乡下佬仔细瞧着我,有好半天没说一句话。
The honest clown looked earnestly at me, and said nothing for about half a minute
9. 这个老实的乡下佬仔细瞧着我,有好半天没说一句话。
The honest clown looked earnestly at me, and said nothing for above half a minute.
10. 都柏林就要到了这是个美丽的城市如此快就要离开我觉得非常遗憾于是我满街闲逛穿越集市的时候我的包袱被偷了哪时我想一定还在这里的浅处于是我回头寻找我啥也没有找到**着手杖摇摇欲坠向一些无赖询问他们说我是乡下佬口音一点也不时髦在通往都市柏林的路上一二三四五抓只野兔吃沿着这一条满是石子的路我要前往都柏林 Whack-fol-lol-de-ra。
From there I got away, My spirits never failin'Landed on the quay As the ship was sailin'; Captain at me roared, Said that no room had he, When I jumped aboard, A cabin found for Paddy, Down among the pigs I played some funny rigs, Danced some hearty jigs, The water round me bubblin', When off Holyhead, I wished myself was dead, Or better far instead, On the rocky road to Dublin. One, two, three, four, fiveHunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!
11. 都柏林就要到了这是个美丽的城市如此快就要离开我觉得很遗憾于是我满街闲逛穿越集市的时候我的包袱被偷了那时我想一定还在这里的某处于是我回头寻找我什么也没有找到**着手杖摇摇欲坠向一些无赖询问他们说我是乡下佬口音一点也不时髦在通往都市柏林的路上一二三四五抓只野兔吃沿着这一条满是石子的路我要前往都柏林 Whack-fol-lol-de-ra。
From there I got away, My spirits never failin'Landed on the quay As the ship was sailin'; Captain at me roared, Said that no room had he, When I jumped aboard, A cabin found for Paddy, Down among the pigs I played some funny rigs, Danced some hearty jigs, The water round me bubblin', When off Holyhead, I wished myself was dead, Or better far instead, On the rocky road to Dublin.
12. 当初被称作贵族、世家子、大人的人和当初被称作乡下佬的人,现在都一律平等。
He who was what is called noble, a gentleman and a lord, is the equal of him who was a peasant.
13. danci.911cha.com
13. 我觉得我真是个乡下佬。
I guess I'm just a country cousin.
14. 乡下佬的解释
14. 这就是合理的后果:只因为她全然不知道天下还有更好的人,她就嫁给了那个乡下佬!
Here is the consequence of being buried alive: she has thrown herself away upon that boor from sheer ignorance that better individuals existed!
15. 乡下佬
15. 绝对,乡下佬没有一句话,脸色白了逐一。
Absolutely, clodhopper have no word, face became white and went out one by one.
16. 乡下佬的近义词
16. 乡下佬:没什么&我就出生在这个地方。
Local yokel: Nothing & I was born here.
17. 乡下佬
17. 有的乡下佬以为梵天已经降生。
Some of the villagers thought Birth had occurred.
18. 乡下佬的反义词
18. 跳舞的穿着混身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻斤斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引得那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。
Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinselled dancers and poor old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
19. 红脖子,乡下佬:对属于农村劳动阶层,特别是美国南方这一阶层白人的贬称。
Redneck: Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
20. 乡下佬
20. 因为我是博士,而你则是一个乡下佬。
Because I'm a doctor, and you're a hillbilly.