

习非成是[xí fēi chéng shì]


词典accept what is wrong as right when one grows accustomed to it习非成是。

词典Through practice the erroneous becomes correct.习非成是。

词典What becomes customary is accepted as right.习非成是。

习非成是 汉英大词典

习非成是[xí fēi chéng shì]

accept what is wrong as right when one grows accustomed to it; Through practice the erroneous becomes correct.; What becomes customary is accepted as right.

习非成是 双语例句

1. 习非成是

1. 当代汉语语汇变异主要表现在因“将错就错”而习非成是,以及使用语词的随意、凌乱、不规范等方面;语音变异则主要表现在时尚化、简单化和粗略化等方面。
    The variation of vocabulary of modern Chinese results fro the wrong use of words while the pronunciation variation is embodied in the use of vogue and simple words.

2. 习非成是在线翻译

2. 习非成是有心理语言学和社会语言学等方面的原因(如语言领域的“涟漪效应”“怪坡现象”及语言处理的“容错机制”等)。
    Reasons for misnomers could be found out in psycho-linguistics and socio-linguistics (such as the Ripples Effect, the Queer-slope phenomenon and the Fault-tolerating mechanism in language).
