






习课 双语例句

1. 我们不难看到,刚清扫结束的校园里,就有我们同学扔下的饮料罐,面包纸,瓜子壳;在整洁的校园里,有我们同学丢的纸屑,扔的垃圾;在书声琅琅的课堂上,有的同学却精神萎靡不振;在安静无声的自习课时,有的同学却在叽叽喳喳甚至高声喧哗;在庄严肃穆的升旗仪式上,有的同学却左顾右盼,窃窃私语。
    It is not difficult to see that just cleaning the end of the campus, students have dropped our drinks cans, paper bread, melon seeds shell; in the campus clean, a classmate we lost the paper, throw the garbage; acoustic sound of loud reading in the book the classroom, some students have the spirit of the doldrums; silent in a quiet study hours, and some students even chirp loudly in the hubbub; in a solemn flag-raising ceremony, some students did glance right and left, whispering.

2. 习课的近义词

2. 哈哈,本来说要去学校上自习课的。
    Haha, this is to go to school in study hall lesson.

3. 你考虑过在可以自习课上利用实验室吗?
    Have you considered using the lab in your free class?

4. 而且自习课要求安静,所以用这种方式向你介绍我的情况。
    Self-study Class requirements quiet, so I introduce my situation to you in this way.

5. 周兰:噢,你是否考虑过在自习课上利用这个实验室?
    ZHOU LAN: Well, have you considered using the lab in your free class?

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 星期三的晚上我们有一节自习课
    We have a free period on Wednesday night.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 象我自己就是个例子,平时英语都很拔尖后来狂妄自大了,早习课拿来做理科作业,这几次考试我考得非常不理想。
    One proliferation area is pass to lap over or extend a P type to take the form/wreath form area and N source pole substantially at least/leak pole area of ditch way side, with the N type of and P type adulterant.

8. 课间休息之后我们就上自习课
    After the break we have a free period.

9. 习课

9. 周五你还需要参加由首席助教开设的一小时复习课
    You also attend a one-hour recitation on Fridays, run by the head TA.

10. (太好了,那我上自习课了。
    Oh, that`s wonderful. I`m studying by myself now.
