

乒坛[pīng tán]

词典the table tennis circles乒坛。

乒坛 汉英大词典

乒坛[pīng tán]


the table tennis circles

乒坛 网络解释

1. table tennis circles:乒乓外交 ping-pong diplomacy | 乒坛 table tennis circles | 男子单打Men's singles

乒坛 双语例句

1. 毫无疑问,中国是当今乒坛的动力工厂。
    There is no doubt that China is the powerhouse of table tennis today.

2. 小福原爱11岁的时候,成为了日本乒坛历史上最小的乒乓球运动员。
    At the age of 11, Ai Fukuhara became the youngest player to be included in the Japanese national team.

3. 作为乒乓球爱好者,我有一个梦想——成为一名乒坛高手。
    As a tennis fan, I have a dream - to become a master Ping Tan.

4. 1970年底,与世界乒坛隔绝4年的中国运动员重返赛场。
    At the end of 1970, Chinese table tennis players returned to world table tennis events

5. 乒坛是什么意思

5. 本次奥运会的乒乓球比赛可谓是扑朔迷离,究竟谁将是国际乒坛的最大赢家呢?
    The competition in Table Tennis is complicated and challenging. Who can become the biggest winner in the end?

6. 乒坛什么意思

6. 综观中国乒乓球队的征战史,从50年代末容国团夺得第一个世界冠军,60年代崛起于世界乒坛,70年代恢复、发展、创新,80年代初囊括世乒赛全部七项冠军,到1983年的37届、1985年的38届捧回六个奖杯,成绩虽有所下降,但总的趋势是长盛不衰的,这在世界乒乓球运动史上是从未有过的。
    Viewing from the first world championship won by Rong Guotuan, to the growing up in the world, then to the recovery, development, and innovation in 1970s, till the 1980s when Chinese team took all seven gold meddles in World Championship Tournament, Chinese table tennis team has made remarkable achievements though there was some decline in their performance in 37th and 38th World Championship with only six cups.

7. 中国队乒乓球在世界乒坛中的整体领先实力短期内难以逆转,但通过国际乒联对现行乒乓球比赛规则的不断修改,将会对中国乒乓球的霸主地位形成新一轮的冲击。
    Chinese table tennis team has been holding a lead in the world, but the unceasing modification for the current competition rules will shake its overlord position again.

8. 20世纪世界乒坛技术创新分析&兼中、外乒乓球技术创新的比较
    A Study of the World Table Tennis Technical Innovations in the 20th Century & Combining A Comparison Between Chinese And Foreign Table Tennis Technical Innovations

9. 乒坛

9. 她是著名的乒坛“神童”。
    She is a famous " wonder child " of table tennis.

10. 乒坛是什么意思

10. 其他的体育运动从未像中国称霸乒坛一样由一个国家独霸。在亚特兰大奥运会上,共设了男女单打和双打四枚金牌,而它们全部落入中国人囊中。
    No other sport is so dominated by one nation as is table tennis by China four gold medals were on offer in Atlanta in the men's and women's singles and doubles events-and China won all of them.

11. 不论你是热血男儿,还是巾帼不让须眉的乒坛少女。
      Whether you are a warm-blooded son, or a teenage girl who love table tennis.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

12. 作为运动员,他的人生目标是成为世界乒坛最出色的选手,并希望自己能在2012年伦敦奥运夺冠。
      Drinkhall has the ambition of becoming the best table tennis player in the world, a dream he sees as being achieved with a gold medal at the London Olympics in2012.

13. 乒坛

13. 半个多世纪以来,中国乒乓球队为祖国和人民争得了巨大的荣誉,为世界乒坛做出了突出的贡献。
      More than half a century, the Chinese table tennis team for the motherland and the people won a great honor, for the world table tennis have made outstanding contributions.

14. 乒坛的近义词

14. 小福原爱11岁的时候,成为了日本乒坛历史上最小的乒乓球运动员。
      At the age of11, Ai Fukuhara became the youngest player to be included in the Japanese national team.

15. 弧圈球的产生,给乒坛带来了旋转与速度的较量。
      Loop-ball production, brought to table tennis circles rotation and speed contest.

16. 王励勤作为世界上最优秀的横拍进攻型打法的代表,其技战术代表了当今世界乒坛发展的潮流与趋势。
      As a representative of the most elite attacking type of hand-shake in the world, the skill tactics of Wang Li-qin has represented the trend of the world table tennis development nowadays.

17. 乒坛什么意思

17. 国际乒乓球联合会决定采取新赛制后,对我国乒乓球运动技术能否在世界乒坛继续保持领先地位,提出了新的课题,新的要求。
      After the decision of applying nwe competition system for table tennis by the International Table Tennis Association, it puts forward new problems and requirements to keep the leading position.

18. 乒坛什么意思

18. 作为乒乓球三大打法之一的削球打法起源于欧洲,曾在世界乒坛保持优势多年。
      As one of the three big play table tennis game originated in Europe, once in the world table tennis circles keep advantage for many years.

19. 乒坛

19. 中国和瑞典在国际乒坛上处于执牛耳的地位。
      China and Sweden are some of the dominant nations in world table tennis.

20. 乒坛的近义词

20. 她是著名的乒坛“神童”。
      She is a famous " wonder child " of table tennis.
