

乐呵[lè hē]



乐呵 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 无论评论家怎么怀疑利比亚,布拉特和其僚友们都会乐呵呵地找到小卡扎菲,给他吃一颗定心丸。
    They even wangled a tour of Mbeki`s private residence. There`s a

2. 无论评论家怎么怀疑利比亚,布拉特和其僚友们都会乐呵呵地找到小卡扎菲,给他吃一颗定心丸。
    I strongly believe that the personal relations I personally enjoy with FIFA`s leading predominant figures will be a boost, ` said young Gadhafi.

3. 没有培训,就没这红火的日子,王建宜乐呵呵地说。
    Did not groom, do not have this prosperous day, buoyant ground says Wang Jianyi.

4. 乐呵的意思

4. 乐羊羊领着四只小羊乐呵呵地阔步向前,寓意广州人民以积极乐观、昂扬进取的精神面貌,迎接亚运盛会的到来,拥抱亚洲美好的明天。
    Le Yangyang gets four lambs to take big strides cheerfully forwards, implication Guangzhou people by positive optimistic, spirited enterprising mental outlook, greets the Asian Olympic Games grand meeting the arrival, will hug Asian happy tomorrow.

5. Miles Davis 尝试将爵士乐呵摇滚乐的元素融合起来。
    Miles Davis experimented with a fusion of jazz and rock-n-roll.

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6. 戈登:二胡演奏家总是很悲伤的,不象我喜欢的总是显得乐呵呵的斯蒂夫。
    Gordon: Erhu players sure must be sad, not like my favorite singer, the always happy Stevie Wonder.

7. 哎呀,看来在我乐乐呵呵地进行窥探时,方法却完全错了。
    Alas, it seems I was blithely going about it entirely the wrong way.

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8. 然后,马吉就坐在他桌子对面,乐乐呵呵地套他的话。
    And there's Marge, sitting across his desk, chipper, asking him questions he cannot answer.

9. 乐呵

9. 他很 快发现她脸通红,来回走个不停,四处张望,好像是在追逐同学们,追上一个就笑着大叫一声,乐乐呵呵的。
    He moved away and joined a group of boys and girls and began to talk.

10. 乐腿儿是一匹乐呵呵的小马驹,也是大家的宝贝。
    Merrylegs was a happy little pony and was everyone's favourite.

11. 乐呵的近义词

11. 您像是一个心理医生,分析着我们苦恼的种种原因,解开我们心中的那个小结,使我们心情舒畅,乐观地面对每一天,您是一个典型的模范,整天乐乐呵呵,笑对人生。
      You like a psychiatrist to analyze the many causes of our distress, solve our hearts that summary, so that we feel happy and optimistic face every day, you are a typical model, the day Le Le Oh, laugh at life.

12. 乐呵

12. 某人在里面少有的兴致很high,也许是因为乐呵呵的主持人老伯伯很能活跃气氛。后面还有接听众电话。。。
      POTO的原因:this is why I'm doing it again because I have a twelve-year daughter who's never seen the show and I want to do it for her generation.

13. 乐呵

13. 这周结束时,你的安排满满并准备好了来点儿乐呵的。
      By the end of the week you have your schedule full and you are ready to have some fun.

14. 乐呵的意思

14. 起初我们听到Don的插科打诨还挺乐呵的,但后来我们很快就腻烦了。
      At first we were much amused by Don`s words, but soon we were tired of them.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. 对了,熊姐姐给你的圣诞礼物我忘了给你,那天晚上我们只顾着吃和乐呵了。
      He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and god himself will be with them

16. 乐呵的反义词

16. 你离开她的时候,她还挺乐呵的吧?
      Did you leave her pretty jolly?

17. 你得确定你找到了合适的人跟你白头偕老,你知道的,坐在安乐椅里,看着漫画傻乐呵的那种。
      You've got to definitely make sure it's the person you want to grow old with. You know, sitting on rocking chairs giggling at the comics.

18. 不能让他们白乐呵
      Can't get no more free randy.

19. 乐呵什么意思

19. 天上星星一闪一闪,眨着神秘的眼睛笑眯眯地看着全球的长辈们,地上的花朵一颤一颤,扬起纯真的笑脸乐呵呵地看着全球的长辈们,最帅的哥哥会是谁呢?
      Then who would be the most handsome gentleman?

20. 无论在什么地方,他都是乐呵呵的。
      No matter where he may be, he will be happy.
