

Is it from;
乎哉 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 众乎哉?不众也一个企业拥有众众台商轮不离能形不败范畴效答而又不需承当功重的折不陈不弛力和不板源的检验?
    A number of can-do? no more and no one has the number of Taiwanese business people turn into scale without obligation students'overloaded deprecition pressuer counterneasure live source?

2. 多乎哉?不多也。
    Is it many? It is not many.

3. 乎哉的反义词

3. 多乎哉?不多也。
    Is there much? Not at all.

4. 多乎哉?不多也。
    Is too much? No much and no less.

5. 乎哉

5. 多乎哉?不多也。
    Is it much? No, it is not.

6. 多乎哉?不多也。
    It`s really not too much.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. 多乎哉?不多也。
    It`s not so much as you had wished!

8. 乎哉在线翻译

8. 此等现象,不速制止,势将同归于尽,抗战胜利云乎哉
    If such incidents are not immediately prohibited, both sides will be doomed, and what hope will there be then of victory over Japan?
