

乌合之众[wū hé zhī zhòng]

词典a motley crew乌合之众。

词典a disorderly crowd乌合之众。

词典a gathering of crowds乌合之众。

词典a crowd assembled like crows乌合之众。


词典an awkward squad乌合之众。

乌合之众 汉英大词典

乌合之众[wū hé zhī zhòng]


a motley crew (crowd); a disorderly crowd; a gathering of crowds; a crowd assembled like crows; a motley force that knows no discipline; sheep that have no shepherd; tag-rag and bobtail; mob; rabble; ragabash [riffraff]:

  例:这些土匪是一群乌合之众, 不堪一击。

    These bandits are just a disorderly mob and will collapse at the first blow.

乌合之众 网络解释

1. 乌合之众什么意思

1. mob n:missionary adj. 传教的, 传教士的 n. 传教士 | mob n. (集合词)暴徒, 乌合之众, (盗贼等的)一群 v. 成群暴动, 聚众滋扰 | module n. 模数, 模块, 登月舱, 指令舱

2. sheep without a shepherd:5. follow like sheep 盲从 | 6. sheep without a shepherd 乌合之众 | 7. the sheep and the goats 好人与坏人

3. 乌合之众的反义词

3. sheep that have no shepherd:Sheep and goats 善人与恶人(来自<<圣经>>) | Sheep that have no shepherd 乌合之众 | Sloth is the key of poverty.惰能致贫.
