

为善最乐[wéi shàn zuì lè]

词典Doing good is the greatest source of happiness.为善最乐。

为善最乐 汉英大词典

为善最乐[wéi shàn zuì lè]


Doing good is the greatest source of happiness.

为善最乐 网络解释

1. To be of use in the world is the only way to be happy:To be angry with a weak man is a proof that you are not very str... | To be of use in the world is the only way to be happy. 为善最乐. | To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of pr...

2. Virtue is its own reward:Virtue is fairer far than beauty. 美德远远胜过美貌. | Virtue is its own reward. 为善最乐. | Vote for the man you can trust. 选你能信赖的人.

3. 为善最乐是什么意思

3. Virtue is her own reward:74. To err is human.犯错是人之常情. / 人谁无过. | 75. Virtue is her own reward.为善最乐. | 76. Well fed, wed bred.衣食足,知荣辱.

4. 为善最乐

4. How Can Sara Help:52 The Beach!海滩! | 53 How Can Sara Help?为善最乐? | 54 Wildlife野生动植物

为善最乐 双语例句

1. 为善最乐

1. 为善最乐。1。熊熊烈火席卷森林。
    Billows of flame swept through the forest.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 我们仅此呼吁各位家长即时捐款到以下机构,以缩短把物资送到灾区的时间。为善最乐!福有悠归!
    We appeal to all parents to make their own contributions to the following agencies within the next few days in order to provide timely assistance to the needy.

3. 阿梅不但是舞台王者,她坚毅不屈及为善最乐的精神更令我们骄傲,她一生为香港演艺界鞠躬尽瘁,而且热心公益,阿梅因而赢得全世界华人挥泪送别,连外国的传媒也争相报道同表哀悼。
    Ah Mui not only queen of stage, we all feel proud of her fight spirit and her devotion to charity. She had contributed greatly to HK performing industry and the public work. All oriental all over the world grieve at her passing. Overseas media are reporting on this sad news.

4. “为善最乐”为了响应和支持新加坡新明日报所举办的慈善活动,新加坡古乐团很荣幸的被邀请参与并出一份绵力。
    In response to the charity auction organized by Shin Min Daily News, Louis Koo International (Singapore) Fans Club has been invited to partake in this meaningful event.

5. 为善最乐,教他人如何为善更乐,而且少麻烦。
    To be good is noble, but to teach others how to be good is nobler-and less trouble.
