1. 他在暗处伺伏,有如狮子蹲在洞口,要把贫困的人,伺机刮搜,将贫困者拖入网中劫走。
They lurk in ambush like lions in a thicket, hide there to trap the poor, snare them and close the net.
2. 中劫的翻译
2. 那婴儿被人从婴儿车中劫走了。
The baby had been snatched from its pram.
3. 绑架过程中劫走被绑架人财物,即使数额巨大,也不能以抢劫罪判处死刑;
During the kidnapping even someone has robbed the person who is kidnapped of immense amount of treasure, he can't be put to death according to the crime of pillage.