


词典two entirely different things两回事;两码事。

两码事 网络解释

1. 两码事在线翻译

1. Kettle of Fish:lead-swinger装病开小叉的人 | kettle of fish 两码事 | to see the elephant见世面

两码事 双语例句

1. 我的意思是,英超和冠军联赛完全是两码事
    What I mean is that the Premier League and the Champions League are two different things.

2. 两码事

2. 从你说的现象我分析她是感统失调综合症,简单的说就是宝宝的感觉系统迟缓,并不是智商有问题,两码事
    From your analysis of that phenomenon, I feel she is the integration disorder syndrome, a simple feeling that the baby`s system is slow, a problem is not IQ, different.

3. 两码事

3. 希望这一点不会引起大家的反感,说只关心孙维而不管朱令,这是两码事
    I will elaborate no more here and hope this will not offend anyone. You may say we care for sun wei but not zhu ling.

4. 两码事的反义词

4. 书籍和唱片是全然不同的两码事
    Books and discs were two very different kettles of fish.

5. 两码事的反义词

5. 不能控制媒体,就不能保证结果,从这个意义上说,搜索引擎优化与排名保证根本是两码事
    Incontrollable media, with respect to unwarrantable result, say from this meaning, all alone engine optimizes search to assure with the rank is two things at all.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 艺术与裙子本来是风马牛不相及的两码事,但有时两者的距离又是如此之近,以至于简单到以裙子的长度来量化艺术的程度。
    Art should be totally unrelated to skirt, However, It seems to be mostly close to grade the aesthetic feeling of art by the length of skirt, doesn't it?

7. 两码事的翻译

7. 我丈夫的工作和我们的家庭是两码事
    My husband's work and our family are two separate things.

8. 这是两码事
    That's not the same thing.

9. 我跟我的公司是两码事
    Tony: Well, I'm not my company.

10. 这完全是两码事
    That's a very different thing.

11. 但这和网络效应是两码事
      But that is different from network effects.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 并不是让你改变,而是让你去克服,那是两码事儿。
      Does not allow you to change, but for you to overcome, and that children are different.

13. 坚持原则立场同是否强硬是两码事,他说。
      Resolutely adhering to one's principled stance is not the same thing as being hardline, he said.

14. 与普遍存在的一种误解不同,建立品牌与自我吹嘘是完全不同的两码事
      Contrary to a widespread misconception, branding and bragging are not at all the same thing.

15. 直言不讳与只是为了取乐而故意使人难堪是两码事
      There's a difference between speaking necessary truths and embarrassing people for the hell of it.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. 直言不讳与只是为了取乐而故意使人难堪是两码事。自古以来人们为了取乐就将身边的东西踢来踢去。
      There's a difference between speaking necessary truths and embarrassing people for the hell of it. People have been kicking objects around for fun since time immemorial.

17. 两码事是什么意思

17. 作为替补参加比赛完全是两码事
      Playing for the reserve team is a totally different kettle of fish.

18. 喜欢和业务上的决策是两码事
      Liking, and a business decision, were separate things.

19. 两码事

19. 男扎手术比女扎手术简便、切口小、痛苦少,它与“阉割”是根本不同的两码事
      Art of male difficult to handle compares skill of female difficult to handle handy, rift is small, bitter little, it and " castrate " it is two things that are the same as far from.

20. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

20. 当然,识字和智力是两码事
      Of course, literacy isn't the same thing as intelligence
