



丢尽脸面 双语例句

1. 丢尽脸面的解释

1. 还说你丢尽所有人的脸面
    And you'd fallen off the face of the earth.

2. 我不能忍受总是丢尽脸面
    I can't stand losing face all the while!

3. 问题的,如果把它放在这小船上,使它脸面丢尽,那也不会有什么问题。
    Nor if the fish were in the skiff, with all dignity gone, there would be no question

4. 丢尽脸面

4. 我不能忍受总是丢尽脸面
    I can't stand being gloomy all the time!

5. 丢尽脸面

5. 如果把它拖在船后,那不会有问题的,如果把它放在这小船上,使它脸面丢尽,那也不会有什么问题。
    Nor if the fish were in the skiff, with all dignity gone, there would be no question either.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 我讨厌她……她让我在人前丢尽了脸面。
    I hated her...sha was such an embarrassment.

7. 丢尽脸面什么意思

7. 贾研究员如果稍微能够读懂英文,方博士如果稍微地象一个真正的学者那样搞学问,他们就不会闹出这么一个丢尽全世界学者脸面的大笑话了。
    P=6966 Theprimary reason for these low pollen concentrations is that cornpollen grains are fairly heavy, therefore most settle in theimmediate vicinity of the cornfield.

8. 丢尽脸面的近义词

8. 破产不但让人脸面丢尽而且永远蒙受羞辱。
    Bankruptcy involves serious loss of face and lasting shame.

9. 丢尽脸面的解释

9. 三天后,在明显安全准备失误的情况下,数百名未有武装的UDD支持者涌入亚洲领导人聚集的海滨胜地,丢尽脸面的阿坡实被迫取消会议。
    Three days later, in a remarkable lapse of security, hundreds of unarmed UDD supporters stormed a seaside resort where Asian leaders were gathering, forcing a humiliated Mr Abhisit to cancel the event.

10. 丢尽脸面的近义词

10. 你真给你的国家&美国丢尽了脸面。
    You are a disgrace to your country-the USA.

11. 他们会说她,骂她,解雇她,让她丢尽脸面的。
      She would be scolded, abused, ignominiously discharged.

12. 澳大利亚警方周二丢尽脸面。当两名警察在巡逻车外核查证据时,车内一名带手铐的男子成功逃脱。
      Reuters-Australian police were left red-faced by a handcuffed man who escaped in a patrol car on Tuesday while two officers were inspecting evidence outside.
