1. Co~(60)丙种射线对地里红恙虫的发育及生殖能力之影响的研究
The effect of irradiation with γ & ray; co~(60) on the development and reproductive power of trombicula akamushi var. deliensis
2. danci.911chaxun.com
2. 日本血吸虫病的免疫研究Ⅰ.钴~(-60)丙种射线对日本血吸虫发育的影响
Studies on the Immunology of Schistosomiasis japonica ⅰ. The Effect of Co-60 Irradiation on the Development of Schistosoma japonicum
3. 丙种射线的意思
3. Co~(60)丙种射线对地里红恙虫的发育及生殖能力之影响的研究
The effect of irradiation with γ & ray; co ~ (60) on the development and reproductive power of trombicula akamushi var. deliensis