

不费吹灰之力[bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì]

词典as easy as blowing off dust不费吹灰之力。

词典as easy as blowing the dust off a table -- need only a slight effort


词典as easy as falling off a log探囊取物;不费吹灰之力。

词典not needing the slightest effort不费吹灰之力。

不费吹灰之力 汉英大词典

不费吹灰之力[bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì]


as easy as blowing off dust; as easy as blowing the dust off a table -- need only a slight effort; as easy as falling off a log; not needing the slightest effort; without striking a blow

不费吹灰之力 网络解释

1. as easy as blowing off dust:不登大雅之堂 not appeal to refined taste | 不费吹灰之力 as easy as blowing off dust | 不分清红皂白 indiscriminately

2. 不费吹灰之力

2. with a modicum of effort:...but also her singular talent for getting huge sums of money out of me...|还继承了她不同凡响的智慧 从我这儿巧取豪夺 | ...with a modicum of effort.|不费吹灰之力 | What's wrong?|怎么了?

3. Not a single blow struck:With amazing alacrity.|还真是连蹦带跳... | Not a single blow struck,|不费吹灰之力 | Yet my camp is empty.|我的军营就空了
