


词典should not不应该;不能;不可。

不该 网络解释

1. I shouldn't have:I'm sorry about that. I--|真对不起我... | I shouldn't have.|不该... | Always comes up one way or another.|总会谈到的,没事.

2. Should've Never:1. If You Had My Love 若你愛過我 | 2. Should've Never 不該 | 3. Too Late 太遲

不该 双语例句

1. 为此,在拔取该状况下举行扫描时,不该夺目在设定扫描边界时,必给不兵画面以边的不步不天拔取到扫描幅面之边。
    To do this, select the condition to be scanned, you should note that when you set the scan area, do not use the pictures other than choosing to scan format.

2. 不该是什么意思

2. 当然,我同意你的观点,也就是任何史迹不该被英雄主义的心态过度膨胀夸大到不合理的程度。
    However, I would agree with you that things should not be blown out of proportion for hero-worship and to attack the C. O.

3. 你们不该派卫兵站岗吗?
    Don't you people ever post a sentry?

4. 我们的社会中,不该存在这种原始的行为。
    This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society.

5. 不该

5. 我们的社会中,不该这种原始的行为!
    This barbarism shouldn't be possible in our society

6. 不该的反义词

6. 那现实中的你觉得男人该不该有红颜知己呢?
    Do you believe that a man should have a female confidant?

7. 我想我们不该继续交往下去了。
    O3 I don't think we should go out anymore.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 又不该盼望别人在心内依恋著你,在你心内也不可依恋著别人,只有耶稣当在你心中,并在一总的善人心中。
    Never wish that anyone's affection be centered in you, nor let yourself be taken up with the love of anyone, but let Jesus be in you and in every good man.

9. 2要培养仔细认真、一丝不苟的学习态度和工作作风,尽量避免那些不该出现的错误。
    The ability to write smoothly and correctly in both source and target languages, are also important.

10. 不不不,不该这样
    No, no, no, this can't go on

11. 不该的反义词

11. 我想你是正确的,我不该这么没有自信。
      I think you're right. I should not so there is no self-confidence.

12. 的确,从生理角度上看,他们是普通人,不该太严苛,但很多人是为他们买了单、消了费的,冲什么?
      Indeed, from the Angle of physiology, they are not too harsh, but many people bought them for a fee, the rush?

13. 你们现在在管你们根本不该的事情。
      You`re meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in.

14. 不该

14. 我们该不该写点东西给媒体以引起公众的注意呢?
      Should we write something to media to draw the pulic`s attention?

15. 安:也许我不该这么做,可是宇夕,我又想你了。
      Maybe I should have been like this, but Yuxi, I am missing u again.

16. 这部影片是吸血鬼电影的鼻祖,一部根本不该排的影片?!
      This is the grandfather of all vampire movies, a movie that never should have been made.

17. 那你就不该来这里
      Then you should never have come down here.

18. 地球是圆的,这一点谁都不该否认。
      The earth is round, which should not be doubted by anyone.

19. 很抱歉,我不该哭。
      I'm sorry, for crying, dont feel bad

20. 不该什么意思

20. 我知道很麻烦还是拜托大家耐心点嘿嘿谢啦~我把你当作真正的偶像唯一能超过他的人你是那样高不可攀我甚至认为没资格与你说话我希望有一天能像你一样所以你只是我的偶像我并不了解你但直觉告诉我你是个完美的人你经过我身边我像往常一样和朋友说笑可谁会知道我已经不能呼吸也许我早该承认第一天我就喜欢上了你你是我的学长我想我不该这样我每天都在研究喜欢和崇拜的区别我重复着你是我的偶像这样我就可以大胆的在朋友面前说你有多好可是就算全世界都相信我还是骗不了自己每天都在寻找你的身影即使距离很远球场很乱我仍能一眼认出是你除了训练我从不敢正眼看你因为你看我一眼而高兴一天想到你我会不停的笑。。
      I put you as a real idol The only over his people You are so out of reach I even think that not qualified to speak with you I hope that one day like you So you are my idol I do not know you But my intuition tells me You are a perfect person You passed me by My friends and joking as usual But who would know that I can no longer breathe Maybe I should have recognized The first day I love you You are my fellow student of mine I think I should not have such a Every day I love and worship in the study the difference between I repeat you are my idol So I can boldly say that you in the front of their friends how good However, even if the whole world believe I still can not fool themselves Every day looking for your shadow Even if very far from the stadium mess I can still recognize you at a glance In addition to training, I dare you Zhengyan Kan Because you see me one day, be happy Think you and I will not stop laughing..
