

不识好歹[bù shí hǎo dǎi]

词典not to know chalk from cheese不辨菽麦;不识好歹;不知好歹。

词典be gullible不识好歹。

词典cannot tell good from bad不识好歹。

词典not to know what is good for one不识好歹。

不识好歹 汉英大词典

不识好歹[bù shí hǎo dǎi]

not to know chalk from cheese; be gullible; cannot tell good from bad; not to know what is good for one

不识好歹 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 红楼梦》第25回中有这么一句话:没良心的!狗咬吕洞宾——不识好歹
    Like the dog that bit Lu Dongbin - you bite the hand that feeds you.

2. 不识好歹

2. 我不是一个不识好歹的人。
    I'm not an ingrate.

3. 你真不识好歹!一个老笑着的女人有多好!
    Ingrate! a woman who laughs is such a good thing!
