

不瞅不睬[bù chǒu bù cǎi]

词典neither look nor give attention不瞅不睬。

词典completely ignore不瞅不睬;丢在脑后。

词典pay no attention不瞅不睬;没注意。

不瞅不睬 汉英大词典

不瞅不睬[bù chǒu bù cǎi]


neither look nor give attention; completely ignore; pay no attention

不瞅不睬 双语例句

1. 不瞅不睬在线翻译

1. 为何我爱你的时候,你会不瞅不睬;我不爱你的时候,你才会呵护备至。
    When why I love you, you will not pay attention to without having a look; When I do not love you, you will just take good care of it to the utmost.

2. 我们要求店员打七折,她却给我们一个「冷肩膊」,不瞅不睬
    We asked the shopkeeper to give us a 30% discount, but she gave us a cold shoulder.

3. 不瞅不睬在线翻译

3. 是的,每个人都各有不同,这种分歧可能永远都不会改变;然而,它却绝不可以成为分裂的理由,以致我们不瞅不睬
    We are all different. We will always have differences, but these should never cause such a deep division that we will not speak to each other.
