不次之位[bù cì zhī wèi]
词典a promotion not according to precedence:不次之位。
不次之位[bù cì zhī wèi]
a promotion not according to precedence
1. 不同品种类型的开花表现不同,受环境条件的影响也不同,早熟类型材料受环境影响最大,中熟品种次之,晚熟品种相对较稳定。F1植株与其亲本相比,间隔期随果节位变化或季节推移变动较小,对环境变化较不敏感。
Compared to parents, F〓 was tardier to the impacting of the environments, and the changing range of flowering interval was smaller. Flowering and fruiting behaviors were mainly controlled by dominant effects at early period, but by additive effects later on.