

不拘形迹[bù jū xíng jī]


词典not sticking to formalities不拘形迹。

词典not standing on ceremony不拘形迹。

词典without formality不拘形迹。

词典disregard formalities不拘形迹。

不拘形迹 汉英大词典

不拘形迹[bù jū xíng jī]


not sticking to formalities; not standing on ceremony; without formality; disregard formalities

不拘形迹 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 只要主教不说话,她总用一种恭敬而又不拘形迹的态度和他谈个不休
    So long as Monseigneur held his peace, she talked to him resolutely with a mixture of respect and freedom

2. 不拘形迹

2. 从他的眼神里和衣服上,可以看出一种不拘形迹的神情,暗示他到目前为止还没有找到专门职业的大门。
    The church clock struck, when suddenly the student said that he must leave - he had been forgetting himself - he had to join his companions.

3. 不拘形迹的意思

3. 只要主教不说话,她总用一种恭敬而又不拘形迹的态度和他谈个不休;主教一开口,她又和那位姑娘一样,服服帖帖唯命是从了,这是大家都见过的。
    So long as Monseigneur held his peace, she talked to him resolutely with a mixture of respect and freedom; but as soon as Monseigneur began to speak, as we have seen, she obeyed passively like her mistress.

4. 严冬之夜,万籁俱寂,温文尔雅的莎士比亚不拘形迹地走进来了。
    Winter evenings---the world shut out---with less of ceremony, the gentle Shakespeare enters.

5. 不拘形迹的反义词

5. 乡村的风气是在定婚期间,男女可以出门相互为伴,不拘形迹,这也是她唯一知道的风气,所以在她看来没有什么奇怪;这似乎是克莱尔没有预料到的,也感到有些奇怪,但是在他看到苔丝和所有其他的奶牛场的工人都如同寻常时,才知道她完全是一个正常的人。
    The country custom of unreserved comradeship out of doors during betrothal was the only custom she knew, and to her it had no strangeness; though it seemed oddly anticipative to Clare till he saw how normal a thing she, in common with all the other dairy-folk, regarded it.
