

不情之请[bù qíng zhī qǐng]


词典presumptuous request不情之请。

词典unreasonable demand不合理需求;不情之请。

不情之请 汉英大词典

不情之请[bù qíng zhī qǐng]

[套] presumptuous request; unreasonable demand

不情之请 网络解释

1. 不情之请的近义词

1. My presumptuous request:my fault 我的错 | My presumptuous request. 不情之请. | My time is yours. 请你吩咐 .

不情之请 双语例句

1. 不情之请是什么意思

1. 他从旧金山打电话给他的父母,告诉他们:「爸妈,我回来了,可是我有个不情之请
    He called telephone to his parents in San Franciscan, and told them: dad and mom, I would be back, but I have a bad message.

2. 我会的,这是我的不情之请,那些孩子想你去看看他们,对他们讲讲话。
    And this is my presumptuous request that the children want you to see them and say something to them.

3. 但是还是有个不情之请这是最后一份合同
    But I've been sent of you one last assignment.

4. 在您去度假之前,我还将提出一个不情之请
    Before you go on your vacation, I need to ask of one more request.

5. 他从旧金山打电话给他的父母,告诉他们:「爸妈,我回来了,可是我有个不情之请
    There's something you should know the son continued, He was hurt pretty badly in the fighting.

6. 不情之请

6. 我有一个不情之请,不知您能否答应?
    I have a presumptuous request that I wonder if you can give consent to.

7. 不情之请的近义词

7. 他从旧金山打电话给他的父母,告诉他们:爸妈,我回来了,可是我有个不情之请
    He called his parents from San Francisco, tell them: dad, I'm back, but I have a BuQingZhiQing.

8. 不情之请什么意思

8. 这也算是我个人的一个不情之请
    And I'd consider this a personal favor.
