

To move;
不忍释手 双语例句

1. 其他反其道而为的努力只会事与愿违。与老人为伴如同读一册厚重的精装书,令人着迷,不忍释手
    To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of luxe5 edition that fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with.

2. 他把赫淮斯托斯精工制作的战甲一件件地举到空中检视着,喜欢得不忍释手
    He Hephaestus Seiko produced Zhanjia to cite a case in view of the air, like a can not bear to allay hand.

3. 书译自法文,译文优美朴素,令人不忍释手
    Translated from French, the language was elegant, simple, impossible to resist.

4. 书译自法文,译文优美朴素,令人不忍释手
    Translated from French, he language was elegant, simple, impossible to resist.

5. 我虔诚地捧读着那本小书,久久不忍释手
    Long - long I read - and devoutly, devotedly I gazed.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 那光亮的叶面,像涂了一层红色的漆,红得可爱,亮得令人不忍释手。单瓣到半重瓣的大朵折边堇型花,粉红色底,细的樱红色闪亮亮的边。
    Red with sheen, it looked like freshly painted, and so lovely, making one reluctant to part with. Single-semidouble pink large frilled pansy/thin fuchsia sparkle edge.

7. 不忍释手的近义词

7. 他对那本书不忍释手。。。。
    He could not tear himself away from the book.

8. 那光亮的叶面,像涂了一层红色的漆,红得可爱,亮得令人不忍释手。单瓣到半重瓣的大朵折边堇型花,粉红色底,细的樱红色闪亮亮的边。
    Red with sheen, it looked like freshly painted, and so lovely, making one reluctant to part with. Single-semidouble pink large frilled pansy / thin fuchsia sparkle edge.
