


词典kick up踢起;引起;抬高;发生故障。

不大对头 双语例句

1. 我只是觉得事情不大对头,所以想请你们采取一些防范措施,否则就请允许我辞职。
    I see things going, as I think, not quite right. And I ask you to take certain precautions, or let me resign my berth.

2. 在我看来,这不大对头
    That doesn't seem quite right to me.

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3. 在我看来,这不大对头,你可能还得一试。
    That doesn't look quite right to me, you know.

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4. 这个世界,一看就不大对头
    In this world, it is instantly obvious that something is odd.

5. 我想,那样不大对头吧!
    That`s not quite right, I think.

6. 他走了一大段路,觉得似乎有什么事不大对头
    He had gone most of the distance when he was aware of something out of place.

7. 不大对头

7. 你的话听起来不大对头
    Your sentence doesn`t sound right.

8. 过去他俩不大对头,现在却合得来了。
    The two didn't get along in the past, but now they hit it off well.

9. “他看上去不大对头,”腾格拉尔碰碰卡德鲁斯的膝盖说。
    He seems besotted, said danglars, pushing Caderousse with his knee.

10. 那儿的情况也不大对头
    The service has been exceptional over there.

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11. 你今天好像不大对头
      You didn't seem to be yourself today.

12. 然后第二定律跳出来说,这不大对头
      And then the second law comes in and says well, that's not quite right.

13. 那看来不大对头
      That doesn't look right.

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14. 公主倒有的是,不过他没有办法断定她们究竟是不是真正的公主,她们好象总是有些地方不大对头
      Princesses he found in plenty; but whether they were real princesses it was impossible for him to decide, for now one thing, now another, seemed to him not quite right about the ladies.
