

下巴颏儿[xià ba kēr]


下巴颏儿 汉英大词典

下巴颏儿[xià ba kēr]



下巴颏儿 网络解释

1. adzb:一团糟adyh | 下巴颏儿adzb | 惭愧aeaj

下巴颏儿 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 他仰着下巴颏儿,没精打采,慢慢地把我们打量了一番。
    He raised his chin and looked slowly over us, in a listless dull way.

2. 她那小下巴颏儿一颤一颤的,一阵抽咽涌到她的喉头。
    Her little chin quivered and a sob rose to her throat.

3. 她那小下巴颏儿一颤一颤的,一阵抽咽涌到她的喉头。
    Her little chin quivered and a sob rose to her thro at.

4. 不过这张脸还是挺引人注目,尖尖的下巴颏儿,方方的牙床骨儿。
    But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.

5. 他的阔肩膀向前佝着,下巴颏儿翘起来,象似心里在想什么不愉快的事。
    His broad shoulders were hunched forward and his chin jutted out as though the thoughts in his mind were not pleasant.

6. 下巴颏儿

6. 人家跟他说话,他冷冷地听着,右手托着下巴颏儿,肘子靠在左手背上。
    He listened impassively, chin in hand, when he was spoken to, his elbow supported on the back of his other hand.

7. 爵士夫人一半儿斜靠着,肘拐儿搁在一个膝头上,手托着十全十美的下巴颏儿,衣裙沿着她体形的精美线条往下延伸,重重叠叠的褶层波浪起伏地向四周铺开去,明晃晃的玫瑰红的炉火之光,把她裹在温柔的雾雹里,雾霭只是被她黄头发的金色闪光所点破。
    My lady in that half-recumbent attitude, with her elbow resting on one knee, and her perfect chin supported by her hand, the rich folds of drapery falling away in long undulating lines from the exquisite outline of her figure, and the luminous rose-coloured fire-light enveloping her in a soft haze, only broken by the golden glitter of her yellow hair.

8. 下巴颏儿的解释

8. 妇女的相貌刁悍,尖下巴颏儿,看上去是个胡乱讨价还价的那号人,歪戴着一顶软帽。
    Leanjawed harpy, hard woman at a bargain, her bonnet awry.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. 一张张椭圆形马脸的坦普尔、勃克·穆利根、狐狸坎贝尔、长下巴颏儿
    The oval equine faces. Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell. lantern jaws.

10. 我检查了她的身体姿势,提醒她要把腿伸直,要用力推地板和回收下巴颏儿
    While checking her body alignment, I reminded her to straighten her legs, to push against the floor and to tuck in her chin.

11. 他的脸从下面望上去,皮肤粗糙,神情憔悴,眼睛下面有好几道圈儿,鼻子到下巴颏儿有好几条皱纹。
      His face, seen from below, looked coarse and worn, with pouches under the eyes and tired lines from nose to chin.

12. 现在她才发觉,他的下巴颏儿是方方正正的。
      Now she noted that his jaw was square.

13. 没有下巴颏儿的人把那块面包撂在地上。
      The chinless man dropped the piece of bread on the floor.

14. 下巴颏儿

14. 没有下巴颏儿的人吓了一跳。
      The chinless man jumped in his tracks.

15. 没有下巴颏儿的人遵命不动,他的鼓鼓的面颊无法控制地哆嗦起来。
      The chinless man obeyed. His large pouchy cheeks were quivering uncontrollably.

16. 我带上了女用的遮阳大草帽,系到我的下巴颏儿上,这样,人家要细看我的脸,就好比要从火炉筒子往下看一样的难。
      So we shortened up one of the calico gowns, and I turned up my trouser-legs to my knees and got into it.
