




词典subordinates下级的;级别或职位较低的( subordinate的名词复数 );次要的;附属的。

下官 双语例句

1. 下官在线翻译

1. 我素来知道他是怕老婆的,每天早上,他总是跪下用膝盖移动到老婆梳妆台前,磕起头来像更夫敲梆,以后又拿出金珠,表演簪环箍发的把戏来讨好,老婆只要有些不高兴,他就会说:`夫人是下官的母亲,下官是夫人的儿子。
    My always knows he is henpecked, every morning, he always falls on his knees to arrive with knee shift before wife dresser, knock knocks rat-tat like bellman at first, take out Jin Zhu again later, the trick that performs hair of hairpin annulus band will please, wife wants some only grouchy, he can say:'the mother that the madam is next officials, next officials are the madam's son.

2. 下官知罪!下官不该没看清楚就胡乱说话,搅乱了正常秩序
    My apologies! I shouldn''t have spoken nonsense before I made clear the situation.

3. 监斩官 下官监斩官是也。
    Today we are putting a criminal to death.

4. 还害得兄弟部队的同事无辜被逮捕,受了不白之冤,下官一定很诚恳的道歉、反省!
    My blunder has led to the disturbed order in our headquarters and the arrest of a guiltless brother from a friend-army. I shall sincerely apologize and mend my way!

5. 下官在线翻译

5. 王大人:女侠说的是,下官会慎重考虑,还是请两位赐知姓名,以便下官日后能够图报
    Wong: Madem, you are right. I will think this over prudently. I still wish to know your name so I could reciprocate you someday.

6. 陛下,刚下官接到了四位东土来的高僧,到西方拜佛求经,特来齐奏陛下,是否给他倒换关文放行?
    Your Majesty, I just receive four monks from the East, they are going to get the scripts of the west. Shall we let them go?

7. 多语言多文化背景下官方语言的推广和弱势族群母语的传承和维护是一对矛盾。
    The promotion of official language and the preservation of mother tongues in the society with multi-lingual background are contradictory.

8. 大学科技园的兴起,是新知识经济体系下官产学三元合作的产物,它加速了科技成果向现实生产力的转化。
    The rise of the university science park (USP) is the combination of government, enterprise and university, which is under the new knowledge-based economic system. It accelerates the transformation from scientific achievements to productive forces.
